Oxalates should not pass through the milk, especially since it binds with calcium and other substances forming insoluble complexes.
It really sounds more like a flora issue. Normally babies get some flora from the milk and more from the skin itself. If the breast is being washed before feeding you could be washing away some of this flora. You could take some probiotic powders and apply it around the nipple before breast feeding to increase the flora in her digestive system. The lack of flora could be interfering with the digestion of the sugar in the breast milk.
But HV, surely some foods that cause sensitivity to Mom get passed as sensitvity to baby as well...?
Certain things have been shown to pass through breast milk such as garlic and strawberries. So this could be the problem as well.
I was actually allergic to mother's milk, but this does not seem to be the case here since she seems to be comforted by the breastfeeding. And since you would not eat the same food all the time the lack of flora makes more sense. The symptoms are also fitting.
"I was actually allergic to mother's milk,"
this is a remarkable statement. I wouldn't have thought it possible--excpet maybe in the instance of an adopted baby: different genes? Do you think there is a "karmic" component? My friend with the baby who always seemed fussy and colicky felt that she never quite 'bonded' with the him, and it sorty of tormented her; which would mean that she fed him 'guilt' with her milk--Although he's a lovely young man now, and seems almost placid.
Not unless I had some karma issues with a cow as well since I was also allergic to cow's milk. I was raised on soy milk because of the allergies. But I outgrew my allergies around the age of 5 and have never had any allergies since.
I know I had a lot of health issues when I was a baby and they did not expect me to live with some of the stuff including the numerous bouts of pneumonia I had. I know my mom also hemorrhaged really bad with me. She woke up one night in a big pool of blood. So something went wrong and it is possible I may have been born early. I never asked. But I know preemies tend to have a lot of respiratory issues when they are young. I must have had enough illness before I was 5 to last a lifetime because i have not had any chronic illnesses since.
"Mamaof2, (sorry for hijacking your thread) I think many of us would like to hear how your daughter is doing, and follow her progress!"
I would be happy to share - as long as its OK with Hv???
Considering it is very OT!!
I am very mindful of the fact that my situation is specialised so I try to ask questions that would benefit others as well, so as to make good use of Hv's time! :)
We have talked about health, meteorites, Iceland, etc. on this forum. So there is really not much that is off topic.
Please share, that is what this is all about, learning and sharing.
Initially I thought the question was more general so I'm going with my first thoughts in case anyone is interested.
She was induced at 38wks (artificial rupture only required) due to IUGR. She weighed 5lbs10 and measured only about 18" (46cm). Over the first few days of her life she had her heart and kidneys scanned (no congenital defects) and numerous blood tests to confirm her diagnosis and check her jaundice, blood counts etc. She was pretty sleepy so I had to express and try to syringe feed her. At 3 days old we were able to come home and she has feed fine since. She had her hearing checked when she was only a few weeks old via auditory brain response and a couple of other tests and that was fine. She has TINY tubes, including ear canal, noone can see the ear drum on one side so it is tricky to check for infections. She is doing really well - her only issues are this stomach pain and pretty persistant upper respiratory infections, not sure if it is due to anatomical, immunity or combo (any advice welcome!).
Respiratory issues are a very common issue in preeemies due to underdevelopment of the lungs.
She is delayed in reaching her physical milestones due to hypotonia (floppy, low muscle tone) but is pretty much sitting by herself and very close to crawling.
In fact, most of her development happens in focused spurts and, although it may just be coincidence, since starting oat bran, rice bran, kelp and lecithin, she made really good gains in her speech, muscle tone and her constipation has more or less resolved simultaneously!? acetylcholine?
Acetylcholine is part of the answer. Lecithin also contains phospholipids that also help with the development of the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Rice bran and kelp provide silica and B vitamins also required for proper nervous system development and function. I highly recommend also adding the trimethylglycine (TMG), which I have seen work wonders for autistic children. I know she is not autistic but they share some of the same issues.
As for the stomach issue this still sounds like a flora issue. Especially with the syringe feeding, which would also have reduced her exposure to the good flora from breast feeding. To make matters worse the time she spent in the hospital could have exposed her to a number of pathogens that she would have been more susceptible to with the lack of flora.
You see things from a different angle - just what I was looking for!
I have been trying to find TMG but it is proving difficult to find a reasonably priced source in NZ - may have to look into buying it from overseas. I also think I should take it - will ask on another occasion.
I found this company, and they ship worldwide. Not sure what the cost is but you can compare.
I could not find any suppliers for NZ or bulk suppliers, which is cheaper.
Ok thanks - at least I can eliminate that option from my mind. You can apply some kefir to the nipple before feeding and maybe stop frequently to apply more. But this would only be a band-aid. With the antibiotics you mentioned it sounds even more like a flora issue. So I would go the kefir route first.