OH GOD! that scares me, I will ask him shroom right? I have herpes bad in the face area. but there is no cure and nothing you can really do about it so that is scary! I hope there is no correlation between herpes and candida except low immune system! Otherwise I'm in trouble! I know humaworm has a herpes cleanse, have no idea if that would help? I will ask shroom that too. I want to see if I can send him some samples cause I'm not doing well at all!
I have used salt rinse in my nose for over a month no help...think I have tried every natural cure there is to no avail!
dear god.... what the hell am I going to do if you there is no cure for herpes??????? yah I will ask for the epstein-barr viris test when I go...
I'm still confused. Yah I know everyone almost has the epstein viris in there blood. So your saying you get it, it triggers candida. But then is there nothing you can do about the candida cause you have this virus in your body that wont go away?
yah I take all those vitamins, and getting tons of herpes in my nose still! sucks!
yes I'm sure, I would get them on my lips then somehow they transfered there, I have been to the doctor for them and have had them looked at including in my nose. I only get them in the left nostril and like 2-3 at a time cause they just spread cause of the close courters. I have been given valtrax in the past but does not work at all so Now I have acyclovir but have not taken it more than once 1 pill. cause I didn't know if it would feed or help candida in anyway, wasn't sure? I get them when I get a cold, and now I have them ( i dont have a cold but my nose is so dry fromt the weather and sinus thing I have going on)
well I'm pretty sure I know what herpes look like, have never heard of a candida sore, but I have been getting them from age 15 and I know I did not have candida overgrowth back then. I had them looked at too but never tested When I go to the infectious disease doctor I will ask, even though I probabley wont have one when I see him! so not much help.
k thanks. I contacted shroom, i'll let you know what he says. Valtrax didn't work for me I was on that one a long time ago he switched me to acyclovir and said valtrex was weaker, who knows they all say different stuff!
just found this link this girl took that and it worked, http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://poetreearborist.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/may1coldsore.jpg&imgrefurl=http://poetreearborist.wordpress.com/2009/05/10/natural-cold-sore-cure/&usg=__sfgcdbskys8T95rjdeQC4Er0ATo=&h=480&w=640&sz=28&hl=en&start=54&sig2=5j1Y7CSPy3BCSZFeM1A96w&itbs=1&tbnid=d-tUAjKJ3GvMCM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcandida%2Bsore%26start%3D40%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=8ZPXS_SiAtOVON6DybAG
I have it for candida so will try it for cold sores, I worry about the ones in my nose cause they could easliy get up into the sinuses if they havent already..
why are you saying these are candida sores? I googled undecenic acid and found tons of stuff on its anti-viral properties. so maybe it works for fungal and viral infections.