Hi Archus,
To answer your immediate question, toxins take time to build up in the tissues and organs of the body to the point where they cause symptoms. It takes years for organ dysfunction to develop, and at least a year or longer to reverse the damage and improve health. That is why he is becoming allergic to things he could eat before.
First, he should check into
food sensitivities . One of the biggest culprits is gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oats (the form of gluten in oats is different but it might also be irritating to the body, so this is controversial). Wheat and other grains are often used as ingredients of processed food. Your son should avoid foods sold in cans or bottles, and should try to eat foods that are still in their original state, that is, unprocessed. Another suspicious food is dairy. Some people cannot tolerate lactose, because they are sensitive to the dairy substance, or they lack the enzymes to digest lactose. He could try following a diet free of both food groups for 3 weeks. Then, he could introduce dairy for 3 weeks and observe changes. He could eliminate dairy again and reintroduce grains for 3 weeks and observe the changes. Then he will have an idea if he has
food sensitivities or allergies which are contributing to other allergies or asthma. Alternatively, he could ask a doctor to check him for sensitivities to gluten and lactose, or simply grains and dairy.
My sister has allergies and asthma, and while following the complete set of cleanses as recommended in CZ (click on the `cleansing` tab at the top bar of CZ) her allergy and asthma conditions have both greatly improved. She has a lot of physical problems which all contribute to her allergy/asthma conditions and she has been working on them gradually for over a year now. All the cleansing protocols have benefits which accumulate over time.
I`ve followed the cleanses carefully for four years, and my allergies have reduced by about 95%. I never developed asthma because I stopped the allergies in time, although it was a close call.
To be specific, he should start with a colon cleanse, coupled with a
parasite cleanse. Regardless of how `clean` we eat, we live in an environment which has parasites, both visible and microscopic, and so it is inevitable that we have some form of parasites. So a
parasite cleanse is necessary too.
Done together, they work more efficiently. There are a wide variety of colon cleanses, I`d suggest he look them over and choose the one which looks most practical to start with. If a cleanse is practical, he`s more likely to do a complete cleanse. Benefits: Improved intestinal health, improved nutritional absorption, improved bowel movements (he should be having several bms a day), and improved immune system. Observable benefits: better skin, hair, and
Body Odor . Improved weight balance and hormone balance leading to better skin condition. With the elimination of the worst of the
parasites - the visible ones, especially - he will find that he doesn`t need to eat as much, he doesn`t get as hungry as before, and his food cravings will subside. Strangely enough, the stomach gurgling which signals hunger also reduces or stops. Done concurrently, the
Colon Cleanse will eliminate dead
parasites rather than allowing them to stay trapped in the intestinal tract and other places. Within a month, his health will improve noticably. This cleanse should take at least a month, longer if he feels it is necessary. I like
Clarkia ; you can find a link to information and suppliers in the `Cleanse` tab above. It`s a tincture made of
Wormwood , cloves and
Black-Walnut . There are many other products, but this one is a good start. It`s cheap, easy to use, and effective. It will be important for him to observe his health condition so that he notices when he`s still in need of cleansing and when he`s ready to move on to the next step.
The colon/
parasite cleanses should be repeated at intervals of about 3-4 months to maintain benefits. The first cleanses are the most important and will take the most effort, while maintenance cleanses can be faster and easier.
Next, he should do a kidney cleanse. Again, there are a wide variety to choose from. I recommend that he address
kidney stones first (a lot of people have
kidney stones but since they are `asymptomatic` - they don`t cause pain - they are unaware of them). Get the stones to dissolve and they will pass without fuss or pain. One good
kidney stone dissolver is banaba tea (not banana!), which is made from a species of crepe myrtle which grows mainly in south east Asia. You can google it and find it online easily in tea, capsule, or tincture forms, and have it sent directly to your home. This is my favourite, but there are many others to choose from. Once he has done a complete kidney duct cleanse, the ducts will be clear of stones so the toxins can flow out easily rather than being reabsorbed, which would cause pain and inflammation. After that, he should cleanse the kidney tissues themselves (remove toxins from the tissues). Even one month using an oral supplement would be beneficial. There are a wide variety of supplements to choose from. I like Moritz` Kidney tea, which you can get from the Mountain Rose website or dozens of other places.
By the way, I`ve noticed that the state of kidney health seems to be related to allergies. When my kidneys are in trouble, I experience a lot of allergies. I have environmental allergies. A few days drinking banaba tea seems to clear up both conditions. At least, that is true for me.
Next, he should do a series of liver cleanses. First, he should clear stones and other debris from the hepatic ducts (the tubes in the liver). The
Hulda Clark version is popular and the method is available for free - follow the links in the cleansing tab, above. I prefer the Moritz method (you have to buy his book), but both methods are similar and both work. He will need at least 12 flushes before he`s ready for anything else, and if he`s still producing stones, he should continue doing
Liver Flushes until he is stone-free for 3 consecutive flushes. After that, considering his allergies and asthma, he should do maintenance flushes quarterly or more often if he chooses to do so. The improvement of health with
Liver Flushes is quite dramatic. After that, or from the 13th
Liver Flush on, he should cleanse the liver tissues themselves. Milk Thistle is a good herb for liver tissue cleansing - but I`d recommend that he start at low doses at first. It`s quite strong, so the release of toxins from liver tissues could overwhelm his elimination systems (colon, kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin) if he takes more milk thistle than his body can cope with at first. There are many liver cleansers (which clean at the tissue level) on the market. If it contains milk thistle, it is a tissue cleanser. Encouraging an increased flow of bile would also be beneficial - dandelion root tea or supplements, dandelion leaves in salads, turmeric, and cleansing herbal teas are all good. Mountain Rose Herbs is a good website to get good quality herbal products and cleansing teas.
By the way, I don`t work for Mountain Rose Herbs and am not officiated with them in any way. I have just found them to be reliable and their products are fresh and effective. You are looking for ideas, so this is just an idea. Please do more research and choose whatever is most practical and convenient for you.
From about the 12th
Liver Flush on, I`d recommend additional cleanses which could help his specific needs. They can be done concurrently with the liver flushes, once the main blockages have been removed. Lung cleansers all help with calming inflammation and excessive mucous formation in the lungs. There are many products to choose from, some cheap, some not. I use Mullein`s Lung Cleanser (it`s cheap and I can feel it working within a couple of hours).
In addition, he could do with blood cleansing. The cheapest way to do this is with chlorella. It also acts as a metals remover. He could couple this with spirulina. Some people are sensitive to spirulina, so he should start with a small bottle to see if he is ok with it. Both are excellent whole-body cleansers and nutritional aids. There are other blood-cleansing products on the market. With a little research, he could find something practical. Experiment! His body is unique, and what works for one person might have unnoticable results for him, and vice versa.
He could look into chelation therapy or products. The easiest one I mentioned above, chlorella, but there are many others. An accumulation of metals such as lead and mercury have been linked to many health conditions, including Alzheimer`s and immune system problems. If he decides to try this, he should research it carefully first, as he will want a product that not only gets the metals out of the tissues, but also moves them into the elimination channels so they can be safely removed from the body. Having toxins freed up from their original tissue storage places is actually more harmful, because the metals will cause problems as they look for a new home, and their new home might not be as safe. So they not only need to be dislodged from their storage places, such as fat cells, but also joined to a carrier which carries them out of the body.
You can absorb metals from dental work (cavities, braces, implants etc.), old paint, tobacco smoke, fish, car exhaust, and a huge variety of other environmental sources.
One chelation example is B&P shakes, which are one possible colon cleansing choice: the
Bentonite clay attracts the metals and the psilliam absorbs them and moves them out of the body. You can find information in the cleansing tab above, and I believe there is a colon cleansing support forum (I haven`t been there for ages, but look in the Forums tab).
Another possibility is the Master Cleanse, which is based on a lemonade fast coupled with senna tea and a salt-water flush to cleanse the intestines. There is a
Master Cleanse Support Forum for more information and first-hand accounts. The cayenne in the lemonade acts as a blood cleanser, the lemon supports the kidneys and liver, the maple syrup supplies small amounts of a wide variety of nutrients and energy, and the drink itself is meant to cleanse and support the body during the fast. The digestive system rests, allowing energy usually used in digestion to be used elsewhere, including tissue repair and cleansing.
This is a lot of information to absorb and might seem overwhelming, but considering that these cleanses take place over several months (preparation for the liver flushes) and the
Liver Flushes themselves will likely take a year or longer, it is not too much. Asthma is a dangerous condition, very scary and life-threatening, but he does not have to suffer this condition at it`s present level, or allow it to worsen. He can take control of his health, reverse the damage caused by less than optimal nutrition and a polluted environment, and get back to the healthiest state he`s ever experienced - or even develop the healthiest state of his life.
Good luck!