Hey JOE, and everybody else.
It doesn't make much sense if you think in "Type 1" and "Type 2" alone. Except if those are - other than "science" knows/thinks - pathogen induced. BUT there are so many other things that are associated with diabetes, which are commonly treated like a "Type 1" or "Type 2", just because its convenient.
In my own case, as my diabetes was discovered, my doctor put me on insulin straight away, as my A1C was at 12.8% and my fasting
Sugar was at 277 mg/dl (15.4 mmol/L). He had some test done for antibodies - just to be sure. Results came back: negative. No antibodies, no "Type 1". He was buffled. He had a test done for insulin resistance ("Type 2") - which is diagnosed by vastly elevated insulin levels. This test came back negative as well. No "Type 2", either.
The insulin that he put me on worked fine though. After 4 weeks my A1C had dropped to 8.2% (or someting close to that), after 6 weeks it was at 7.2%, after 12 weeks I was at 6.3%. I am not kidding. But that was on insulin alone, no
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement so far.
There are a BUNCH of other causes for diabetes, especially a chronic infection of the pancreas is quite common and treated as a "Type 1", as it has the same consequence as antibodies - no insulin produced at all. A bunch of others are treated like a "Type 2", as the body still produces some insulin, but not enough. So when it's treated by diet, when a person eats less carbs, it works.
The next bit is storytelling. And contains the point when I started
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Further down you will find some explanation on why it might make sense to use
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for diabetes.
I was on a CT, which at first meant 18 IE mixed (fast/slow acting) insulin in the morning, 14 IE at night. After about 2 weeks I felt undersugared pretty often at daytimes, my evening sugars were excellent - around 80 mg/dl. So I dropped the morning shot to 16, then 14, then 12 IE. So after 12 weeks I was at 10 IE in the morning and 12 at night.
My doctor kept me on insulin as I was leaving town and country for 5 months. (He previously asked me if that was really necessary, I said yes. He said that I may have to take much more insulin abroad, because of diet, or even climatic changes, etc. And if I ran out of insulin I really needed to find a good doctor, to find an alternative insulin, if mine wasn't available. I told him that traveling and living abroad is too much fun. Can't live without it.)
I hadn't had any A1C test done in 6 months, during my time abroad and even a month after. I don't advise anyone to do that ;) But I was just sick of values and medicine and all that BS (pun intended). I did take my medication though!
I reduced my insulin further to 10-10 IE (which was right after I left town, around October) and stayed on that load until Xmas. In the meantime I read about MMS. Just before Xmas my first supply of MMS arrived. I had been very sick with diarrhea about a week before Xmas from an unknown tropical condition, which was treated with HEAVY
Antibiotics , which seemed to work, but it knocked my immune system so far down, that it made an old herpes infection come back in places where I hadn't seen for a long time.
I got infected as a child and my herpes shows at one spot on my back - especially as a child when I was playing in the sun with no shirt - and there's one spot on my chin and lip, which usually breaks open when I am fully stressed out. When I took these
Antibiotics , both spots broke open at the same time, extremely bad. Plus my whole mouth was sore. I couldn't eat anything without my tongue hurting (I don't know for sure that's related to the herpes, as I had never had it there before).
So when my stack of MMS arrived that was a perfect playground. I was still skeptical about MMS. So I rinsed my mouth and put the MMS on the herpes on my chin and back. That was 6 drops activated. I did that twice within an hour (same MMS mix) and waited until the MMS dried. I repeated that 3 times a day. So I rinsed my mouth and soaked the herpes a total of 6 times a day. The next morning the herpes was better. The blisters started to dry, itching had stopped. I repeated the previous procedure for that day. Next day all blisters were dry. Both spots started to heal, mouth was MUCH better. That's when I started MMS orally. (The herpes disappeared fully within a week and I haven't seen it since - even during most stressful times)
Within a few days (seriously!) my BS dropped and I had to reduce my insulin. I even went fully without for a day. However, the diabetes proved more resilient. Back and forth for a few months. I stopped insulin completely for 2 weeks once, than back to 10-10 when I came back home (BS don't like to change much of latitude and longitude, I guess). Back to 0 within a few weeks. I must say that I stopped MMS a few times for about a week, especially when traveling. The maximum dose of MMS was 14 drops activated for a few days, couldn't take much more. Baaaah.
However I stopped insulin completely in early April even though my fasting sugars were still much above normal, but BS dropped as soon as I had breakfast. Again, I am not kidding. I measured it out with loads of sticks. And at night they were within the "normal" range.
I had my next meeting with a doctor in late April. My doctor jumped out of his seat, screaming when I told him I had stopped the insulin. He wasn't yelling at me, he was just so amazed. A1C turned out 5.8%, liver, kidneys, urine - everything perfectly normal. Fasting
Sugar was 113 mg/dl at that time.
--- End of storytelling.
So I dug in some other causes for diabetes. There are some chemicals and pharmaceuticals associated with causing diabetes; vacor (rat poison) and cortisone (injections, not applied topically) over a longer period of time, to only name two.
Some cancers and other medical conditions like hyperthyreosis are also on the list (in this case the diabetes is sometimes referred to as a "secondary" diabetes).
There are also some infections: congenital rubella and herpes.
If you read my storytelling you will probably find the following assumption not too far off: In my case it might be the herpes which is intrenched fully in my system since childhood and causing my diabetes.
So as MMS topically kills herpes, it probably does so internally as well. Actually Jim Humble names herpes as one of the hardest to clear out and says that it might need up to 4 weeks of full dosage (15 drops activated, 3 times a day) to clear out completely.
So as my diabetes isn't all cured at this time - even though I am fully off any kind of medication now - I am giving MMS another go. I re-started MMS about a week ago and I'm up to 10 drops twice a day. No better or worse for BS now.
I think its going to take about 4 weeks just to get up to 15 drops twice a day. So it'll take quite some time to tell if it really gets the job done.
So why does it make sense to use MMS for diabetes?
I think many diabetics may be ill-diagnosed. Many "Type 1" folks may have a chronically infected pancreas (usually they know this, as doctors actually check for it). So its more like "Type 1 Therapy" not "Type 1 Diabetes". And many who are "Type 2" diagnosed may be diagnosed as such as doctors excluded the possibility of "Type 1" from the start (not so severe BS, age of patient, body-weight, etc.). So they don't really check whether the patient has an insulin-resistance or if they do a test, which comes back negative, they just continue, as the therapy helps (reduces BS).
I don't know if MMS can cure the cause of "Type 1" - antibodies - or the cause of insulin-resistance. But if someone is treated like a "Type 1", because of a chronically infected pancreas MMS might very well help, as it is anti-inflamatory. If a person is treated like a "Type 2" and the real reason is an intrenched virus like HCMV/HHV5 (both herpes), then MMS might also work, as it kills out the virus. Or if the diabetes is due to some toxics, which have built up in the body over time, which reduce the pancreas' capacity, MMS may help to clean them out of the system. But it takes time, a long time actually. And there's no guarantee that it works. But even if it doesn't cure the diabetes, it may well make it less severe or prevent/reverse some side-effects.
So if someone tries MMS for diabetes, he or she should better be prepared to go through the complications of MMS (nausea, diarrhea, headache) with each extra drop. And if there is a quick response at first it surely doesn't mean everything is well - and that it stays that way. It just shows you that there is a response and you're probably doing good to continue.
I have ALWAYS checked my BS, even since I'm off of insulin now. I only check it in the morning every day, and occasionally before lunch or dinner, if the morning reading was pretty bad, but usually at lunchtime BS is within or close to normal. I strongly advise anyone trying to cure diabetes with MMS to do the same and to go back on medication if BS are not stable enough to stay off.
I advise anyone who is newly diagnosed with diabetes to follow their doctors advise and get their BS in check before trying anything else. (Except MMS applied topically (no DMSO involved ;)) to cure cuts, infections, etc.) Especially if insulin is involved, a patient needs to know the symptoms of hypoglycemia, and how to handle insulin, when to check for BS, when to reduce or increase.
And most important: BE PATIENT. MMS is no miracle in itself, it's just substance with some powerful features. It doesn't just dissolve diabetes in thin air.