This is generally not recommended. I'm just finding this out myself after 14
Liver Flushes so far. Every one of them made me feel kinda ill for a few days. Many of the toxins that flush out of the liver will leak back through the 'leaky' intestinal wall and back into your system for your liver and kidneys to have to deal with again. The best bet would be to heal up the leaky gut first then move into flushing the liver. Save yourself from making the same mistake I did.
My plan of attack will be L-glutamine, slippery-elm tea and licorice root extract, and I'll combine those with an orange juice fast (aiming for 21 days) that should clear it up fairly quickly (I hope).
If you prefer not to fast, at least stay away from wheat, dairy, sugars and other refined/processed foods, also try to eat as much raw food as possible. Combine this with the 3 supplements above. By not fasting it will take much longer to heal the gut, expect a few monthes according to what I've read.
Make sure you drink plenty of purified water (home distilled is best imo).
Best Wishes,