I think hot water is part of the cure.
I had the same issue. In fact, after 2 minutes of hot water shower, my spaceness used to increase a lot.
One day i wondered... Does Candida is killed by that as well ?
I wondered: When i had Candida crisis i had very cold hands, cold body. I was always cold. I had low blood pressure. So i thought hot water should create an environment that is not good for candida.
So i decided to take 4 showers a day. At the beginning spaceness was more intense. But after few days. I discovered hot showers would stabilize my situation. Thanks to hot shower it stimulates digestion, it also helps to remove stomach, vomit envy. And since the time i take several showers a day, i dont need to go to the toilets so often.
So now, i m thinking about a portable Spa. I will give some updates. I just bought a spa on ebay and i will see try to stay as long as i can in the bath.
I never took any bath since 10 years because i have no time and showers everywhere. But i think it would be good to try a bath at 37 degrees celsuis (99F)and see what happens.
Personnally with what i feel. I think something has to do with the blood circulation. I feel something in my veins. I cant explain.
I forgot to say... I use to take coconut milk.
I did a test. I took coconut milk during 24 hours without shower. I had lots of vomit needs and had to go to the toilets often.
the day after, i took coconut milk and 30 minuters after that, i took a hot shower. And then nothing happend during 24 h. It was like it helps to take away a stress from your intestine.
In other words , i think hot water is good. I even think hot water in bath with essential oil like tea tree oil would be perhaps very good.