NO it is NOT a good idea and YES it will affect digestion and keep the digestive system active which is at odds with the main working mode of the cleanse to give the digestive system a rest. You also don't know how it will interact or affect the cleansing action of the lemon or the cayenne.
While Kefir is a "cultured" dairy product it still produces mucous albeit clean and slight and not as heavy as that produced by regular dairy. One of the purposes of a cleanse is to clear mucous from the system.
I don't have any anti bias against kefir and drink it daily. I also recomended as a probiotic post cleanse to replenish the beneficial bacteria in the gut. The MC is a proven method that WORKS in a simple elegant manner AS IS If it ain't broke. Don't fix it
Use the KISS (Keep it simple stupid) principle. Have you ever even done the MC before? How much do you know about fasting?? or how the MC works?? You have no idea how any of that will interact with the cleansing properties of the MC, not only affecting the cleansing but very likely keeping you hungry throughout the fast and possibly even make you sick, after all you are adding an ACTIVE bacterial culture when your system is trying to rest and cleanse, Geez Louise!! The MC has been around for more that 60 years and proven an effective effcient method AS IS. Why in the world would you want to mess with something that is a proven protocol when my guess is you've never done the MC before and possible any real form of fasting period. In all the years I've been around this forum the ONLY times people have had serious problems is when they have strayed from the true and tried original protocol. You feelin lucky........... If it ain't broke don't fix it!! Save the Kefir for AFTER the MC.
You want to experiment? Knock yourself out. You just won't be doing the Master Cleanse.
I haven't a clue. Let me ask you this? How long have you been making Kefir? Do you really know what you're doing? I've only heard of "water Kefir" and to be honest it sounds a little hokey to me. I don't understand how water can become "cultured" when there is nothing for the kefir grains to digest/ferment.
Ok alwright now I get it. I researched "water Kefir" and I see that you add sugar so there is something to ferment there.
Looks like a simple overnight process. Not much to screw up unless you use metal and don't clean you jars well.
I did research and I did read Doms site. If you had read my second post you would have seen that I did do research and I did find out what it was. I also checked out videos on Youtube of folks making "Water Kefir"
Something that peaked my interest in Dom's site was making water Kefir with the addition of ginger making a sort of Ginger Beer. Sounds delish to me. I might hafta order me up some grains and play around with making my own.
I drink Kefir every day.
I know few if any folks that lead regular lives that have the time to make the lemonades by the individual drink. Most including myself make it by the batch 1st thing in the morning. I don't have a problem with the cayenne and go ahead and add it when I make the batch. This will allow the Cayenne to "bloom" and it can get a bit too hot for some palates. A number of folks add the cayenne just before drinking each drink. The bulk recipe is posted in the FAQs.
I put mine in some Nalgene Sports bottles and carry them in a soft cooler with some of those refreezeable blue ice blocks to keep it fresh