Hi otersan,
ES stands for Epsom Salt. I'm going to re-post a post that Uny made about the different kinds of liver flushes below. It isn't necessary to use ES when doing a liver flush, lots of people don't use it.
Uny made this post about 4 months ago. It seems like we've got lots of new people who are going to start liver flushing so I thought it would be appropriate to re-post all this great info! ;)
Healthiest of greetings! I'm seeing some folks struggling with foundational issues on this, so we need some basic knowledge and information here. There is virtually NO WAY to determine (by flushing) which method of flushing is "best", because one's liver is NEVER in the same condition before each flush as it was in the flush before!!! When healing & cleansing the natural body, there is NEVER a need to ingest unnatural/toxic substances that stress or compromise the body! Repeat the above as many times as you need to repeat it to grasp it Why is this true? The liver is NOT like the colon (which is simply one long basic tube) - the liver has 4 quadrants and anextremely complex system of biliary ducts & tubing. The build-up of debris/stale bile/stones/sludge/chaff (particularly in the quadrant of the liver that's furthest away from the "gallbladder & exit"), must make an elaborate, labyrinthine, LONG journey throughout the liver & gallbladder before we EVER see it as "results". Imagine your liver in your mind's eye: the liver is about the size of a football - divide that football into four basic sections...then fill each section with as much tubing as you can imagine (cram it in there tightly), and make the tubing size be anywhere from the diamater of a straight pin, to the the diameter of a pencil. And if there's liver flukes, they're stuck onto the tubing/liver, and their tails are hanging down clogging up the already complex tubing. Then put one tube heading from the liver to the gallbladder, and another tube from the gallbladder to the duodenum (right under the stomach). Now imagine hooking up a "garden hose" to the football, and squirting a quart of water (bile) into the biliary tubing. Imagine that bile making it's way through all that tubing. What ended up coming out at the very end? Yes, almost everything that came out was what was in the gallbladder already. (Nothing comes "out" of the BACK of the liver, until it makes it's way forward to the 'exit door'). Remember now - no matter WHICH "flush" you do, that IS what happens. The results of ANY flush IS entirely dependent upon where all the debris is in your liver (and how impacted it is) BEFORE you do the flush. And every flush IS successful, no matter WHAT you see (or don't see) in the colander. Progress is a process! Theoretical Liver flush series (this could be ANY type of flushes): Flush #1 (let's say Hulda Clark style) - go into it totally cold, no prepping the liver, malic acid/apple juice/cider/vinegar to soften the debris, some ES to relax the tubes a bit and a quart of bile. Results: some stuff comes out of the gallbladder (maybe). Flush #2 (Hulda Clark again) - two weeks later - same routine. Results: 20 stones and some sludge/chaff Flush #3 (Dr. Schulze style, no ES) - two weeks later. Results: 10 stones, and some sludge/chaff. (Remembering - each and every flush caused everything to push forward a little bit closer to the 'exit' --or to a different section-- and each flush cleansed hardened/impacted off the inside of the intricate/elaborate tubing, making the tubing a bit larger in diameter on the inside. So there's a lot of debris getting closer to the exit, and possibly even causing clogs along the way - in fact, one may have experienced some fairly frustrating clogs in between these flushes). Flush #4 (big pout, waaah, Dr. Schulzes flush "doesn't work", back to Hulda Clark) - two weeks later. Results: 15 stones, a big stone (yay) and a bunch of sludge. Flush #5 (I'm sick of this, entirely frustrated, so I'm going to try the Coke Flush). Results: 250 stones, 3 big stones and more relief than I've ever had with ANY flush. "Shout it to the mountaintops - I finally found a flush that WORKS! The Coke Flush IS the BEST flush!!" ...and that's what you believe for the rest of your life". TRUTH: No matter WHICH flushes you did on Flushes 1-5, the fifth flush was going to yield the best...because that is when your liver had all the junk loosened and near the exit door. The results of ANY flush IS entirely dependent upon where all the debris is in your liver (and how impacted it is) BEFORE you do the flush. And every flush IS successful, no matter WHAT you see (or don't see) in the colander. Progress is a process! The various flushes and components (in a nutshell): Olive oil - triggers the liver/gallbladder to release bile. Citrus acid in citrus juice - mixes with the olive oil; causes the gallbladder to contract slightly Epsom Salts - relaxes the biliary ducts slightly and causes the gallbladder to contract a bit. Epsom Salts - also floods the intestines with water (taken from the bloodstream) and can cause intense diarrhea (commonly referred to as 'butt pee'). So taking two doses the day after the flush ensures the toxins dumped from the liver won't be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, and may also help release any debris that was close to coming out of the gallbladder, but didn't quite make it out. Downside: Epsom Salts can cause massive electrolyte imbalance (from sucking the water out of the bloodstream) - in some people this is extreme (to the point of passing out). It is stressful to the kidneys (hence to the adrenals). (ortho)Phosphoric Acid (UltraPhos/OrthoPhos) - softens stones (it should, it will dissolve an iron nail!) Reported to relax biliary ducts, but no evidence has every been found/seen by this writer (and I have searched and begged for evidence). Downsides? Substantial. PLEASE READ http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1398984#i It is NOT allowed in organic foods; dentists use it to etch/degrade/dissolve tooth enamel; highly acidic; can dissolve/compromise bones. Coca-cola - mixed in for 'taste', and claimed to prevent nausea. Downsides? Mercury from the High Fructose Corn Syrup, white sugar, chemical poisons. Coffee Enemas - increases flow of bile, assists liver to cleanse blood while retained, increases perisistaltic substantially (hence ensuring that what comes out of the liver gets through the digestive tract quickly. Many people have released biliary sludge, chaff, flukes AND stones from coffee enemas alone. Dr. Kelley reported that they cause the liver to contract slightly. A reminder about liver flukes - you can't expect to cleanse and restore your liver when it's full of liver flukes; the tails hanging down cause stones and debris to not be able to get through (which of course, creates even MORE clogs & compromise). You can't expect to feel good if you kill parasites and leave the rotting carcasses in your liver for days/weeks at a time. Raw garlic is VERY effective for killing liver flukes. Anyone that doesn't do some type of parasite cleanse before flushing their liver is asking for trouble. And if you do a parasite cleanse without doing a daily coffee enema (to get the rotting worms out of your liver), you can expect to experience all manner of liver cramping, aching, pain, digestive disturbance, gas, bloating. Coke Flush - Soften stones/debris for a week (or a few days) beforehand with natural malic acid from apple juice/cider/vinegar mixed with orthophosphoric acid (UltraPhos/OrthoPhos). Lemon juice/oil/Coke mixture - the first protocol calls for Magnesium Citrate the next day (similar action to Epsom Salts). Be sure to read this regarding Phosphoric Acid (same link as above) http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1398984#i http://curezone.com/cleanse/liver/classic_coke.asp (one version) http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=934180#i (Dr. Sutter's version) Dr. Kelley's Flush - Soften stones/debris for a week (or a few days) beforehand with natural malic acid from apple juice/cider/vinegar mixed with orthophosphoric acid (since he was a dentist, he at least has the common sense to warn people to NEVER ingest Phosphoric acid without rinsing their mouth with baking soda to protect their teeth!) Day of flush, 1 dose of ES (two tablespoons, which is a double sized dose), coffee enema with a half cup of ES (NEVER do this unless you are SURE you know what you are doing - that much ES could easily end up with you going to the ER, or worse), another dose of Epsom Salts (1T), a cup of heavy cream with fruit, then the oil/citrus potion. Have 1-2 teaspoons of ES the next day http://curezone.com/cleanse/liver/kelley.asp Dr. Schulzes Liver Flush - Prep liver & soften stones with natural malic acid from apple juice/cider (do his 5 day liver cleanse). Ingest one cup of olive oil mixed with one cup of citrus juice over 4 hours...or drink it all at once (or drink less all at once). Dr. Schulze NEVER suggested doing a "cold" liver flush - he ALWAYS supported each healing and cleansing protocol completely (juices/juice-fasting to give the body more energy & support, natural herbs to help assist/cleanse the liver, ginger to alleviate nausea and increase bile flow, herbal tea to help digestion, foot reflexology & castor oil packs to support & cleanse/heal the liver, andIF#1/IF#2 to absorb toxins and ensure everything released from the liver was eliminated from the digestive tract effectively). By doing this, he flushed 1,000's of livers successfully, and never had anyone get a stone stuck. http://curezone.com/schulze/herbal_5day_liver_cleanse.asp http://curezone.com/schulze/handbook/lg-ap.asp http://curezone.com/upload/_N_Forums/Natural_Heali/SYL_CleansingTheLiver_Sect... Unyquity's Suggested Flush - At the very MINIMUM do a weeks work of preparing your liver to be flushed (read all the various options and reasons here: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1420146#i) Dr. Schulzes 5 Day Liver Cleanse is an EXCELLENT way to prepare your liver for a big flush! Coffee Enemas daily are more beneficial than you can likely imagine. Cleansing your colon simulateously or before is essential (think of it...95% of every drop of water you ingests has to seep through decades worth of toxins built up in your colon, then that water is assimilated through the portal vein and goes directly to the liver. How can you expect your liver to clean itself when you're throwing toxins at it 24 hours a day? And if you're not having a normal/natural 3+ bms daily, the liver will be knowing that anything it releases will be stuck in the digestive tract for long enough for it to assimilate into the bloodstream...which stresses the liver INCREDIBLY. If you were a liver, would you dump 10 years of toxins into the digestive tract, so you could then deal with detoxing the blood from 10 years of toxins in ONE DAY?! I think not (you'd be a very stupid liver if you did that, eh?). Bottom line - only allopathic and alternative practitioners look at the body as though it can be cleansed/healed "one separate organ at a time" - they've already proven (by practicing on US) that doesn't work. Why would we try to do it the same way they've proven doesn't work!? On the day of the flush, eat light/no fat (and nothing that triggers the liver to release bile) - I prefer juices only after about 2pm. Before going to bed, brew one or two coffee enemas to be used the next day, and put your colander by the toilet (and your stethoscope by your bed). The right before you go to bed, ingest 1/2-2/3 cup of olive oil and 1/2-2/3 cup of lemon, lime or grapefruit juice (mixed or separate). Since Ginger is a cholagogue (increases the flow of bile) AND the strongest anti-nausea herb on the planet (other than cannabis), I always mix 2T of ginger juice with the olive oil. (I prefer to keep the oil & citrus separate...but that's only a personal "taste" preference). You can just throw a big 'thumb sized' piece of ginger root in the blender with the olive oil, but you'll want to strain out the pulp (so be sure to add extra oil for that which will stay in the blender and that ends up in the pulp). I always keep a jar of ginger juice in the freezer, so I can thaw some whenever I need it when I'm doing liver work. If you're worried about nausea, then take 'something ginger' to be with you...a couple of cups of ginger tea, crystallized ginger, a piece of ginger root, whatever. Drink the oil/ginger/citrus and head to bed immediately...and be sure to enjoy the 'liver symphony' via your stethescope! Next morning, use the bathroom 'as usual' (be sure to use the colander if you're going to have any bowel activity), take a few minutes to wake up, have a bite to eat or some juice (if you desire), and then do a coffee enema (expelling into the colander). Sometime in the late afternoon/early evening, do another coffee enema. There is virtually NO WAY to determine (by flushing) which method of flushing is "best", because one's liver is NEVER in the same condition before each flush as it was in the flush before!!! When healing & cleansing the natural body, there is NEVER a need to ingest unnatural/toxic substances that stress or compromise the body! Healthiest of blessings - Unyquity
--A healthy liver creates 1 - 1 1/2 quarts of bile daily - releasing it as needed.
--A liver "flush" is simply avoiding foods/fluids/herbs that cause the liver to release bile throughout the day, then ingesting a substantial quantity of oil that causes the saved bile to release and "flush" through the myriad of biliary ducts...dislodging debris and pushing it out.
It's that basic, and that simple. Save up the bile, release it all at once - bongo-bango-bingo LIVER FLUSH.
I'll talk about some of the various 'optional components' below, but first there's one thing that desperately needs to be addressed and understood:
Hulda Clark Flush - Soften stones/debris for a week beforehand with natural malic acid from apple juice/cider/vinegar. Two doses of Epsom Salts before the oil/citrus potion, two doses of ES the next day. http://curezone.com/cleanse/liver/huldas_recipe.asp
Yeah, I'd say your liver is begging you to get workin on it lol! Were the stones green and did you do the whole liver flush protocol or just take some ES?
Good for you! I know you gotta feel good about getting some junk out for sure.
Way to go! So now we can (once again) put aside the oft-repeated UNtruth in medicine/healing that gallstones & liverstones cannot get through the bile ducts (and that the 'stones' are completely composed of olive oil congealed with citrus & digestive juices). :::eyeroll:::
Just so you know, those were likely gallstones - as a general rule, the liver dumps biles (and some stones) into the gallbladder and then more stones can be formed in the gallbladder. What comes out in our 'flushes', generally has to come through the gallbladder. So it's most likely that what has happened is that your gallbladder has been stretched out like an overfilled water balloon, and when you took the ES, it relaxed and opened the 'knot in the end', and because it was so pressurized, the stones & debris just came exploding out.
Depending upon how much is left in the gallbladder, you might be one of those that will see stones after your first few coffee enemas. No matter what you decide to do (or work up the courage to do), you're in an IDEAL PLACE to start cleansing aggressively. You've just popped the cork, so now is the time to keep it going!! (it might not be so easy to 'break through the clog' the next time, if you let it get reclogged now).
This is NOT a SMALL testimony! It is HUGE! You saved a gallbladder...
Isn't it amazing what our body can do if we just give it something 'natural' to work with. (SMILES)
Very COOL indeed!
You're right Water it is HUGE!
I remember Eme posting about this when I was trying my best to convince my friend not to have her gallbladder cut out. Her testimony gave me hope that I might convince my friend. When that didn't happen and she had the surgery anyway Eme's story still gives me hope because if we can save even one person we should never stop trying. Eme's M.I.L. is living proof of that YAY!