Parasites do not cause asthma. Asthma results from adrenal dysfunction. The reason children will generally outgrow their allergies by the age of 5 is it sometimes takes a little more time for their adrenal glands to mature. If the child is on steroids though this can atrophy the adrenals making the underlying condition worse by preventing the adrenals from doing their job.
One poster mentioned adrenals, there may be something to this, but what she he doesn't say is why. actually the answer may be very simple, heavy metals. again, don't mess with herbs, check out the cutler protocol and do it right. herbs like cilantro etc only move the metals around, and can make it much worse. parasites and metals. these two go together and cause many problems.
Asthma is not caused from heavy metals or parasites. In fact children are often born with asthma and outgrow their asthma around the age of 5. They were not born with parasites or heavy metals. The problem is that the adrenals take time to mature. When they mature they generate sufficient levels of epinephrine and corticosteroids to counter allergic reactions such as asthma.
taking supplements will only mask the symptoms.
This is not even close to being true. Supplements that build the adrenals and relax smooth muscle get rid of the problem. And it does not take long. But it is also important to avoid tearing down the adrenals with things such as stimulants and steroids.