Hi Serene_tea
Sorry to hear of your long running liver complaint, and glad to hear you want to do something about it!
First your overall cleanse game plan is good, just be aware the 'cleanse' for each part takes time, so be prepared for the long haul of weeks and months, not days.
The best
Bowel Cleanse I have come across is the 'Colema Board' for home
colonic irrigation administration, 5 gallons come and go, it really does reach the parts enemas fail to go. See Google for Colema Board sellers.
The best digestive tract cleanse, liver cleanse,
kidney cleanse programs that I have seen were developed by Dr. Richard Andersen, and can be bought as herbal programs at www.ariseandshine.com, quite pricey by they really work. I am now working through the 'cleanse thyself program' - from arise and shine, to remove mucoid plaque from my guts, and yes horrible things have emerged and been flushed away.
You need to be alert to the possibility that your prolonged liver problems might be caused by an infection (get tested for Hepatitis - a viral infection), but keep in mind worm
parasite infection. Arise and Shine also do a poweful herbal
parasite cleanse (in two parts to cover the worm spectrum). Consider adding in the
parasite cleanse before your proposed liver cleanse.
Liver Flush (as distinct from liver cleanse)can be worked at any time the herbal programmes are running, as a good way to keep the liver flushed out and free of toxins being relased by the herbs.
Most folk on this forum use the Dr.
Hulda Clark e method for liver flush, see at the bottom of FAQ section, just be sure to follow the timings accurately. I like to mix my
Epsom Salts with apple juice to reduce the bitter taste, and rinse my mouth with more apple juice after swallowing olive oil.
Finally, you are exactly on track to cleanse your body thoughly, your eczema is a sign of toxin build up and the body trying to eliminate through the skin, you know you have success when this subsides and heals. Please do support your skin healing by being generous with intakes of Omega 3 and 6 oils. Freshly pressed juices, especially vegetable juices are a fast start to super natural nutrition.
Best of luck
Steve Cambridge.