It's been a while. I've researching, experiencing, talking, meditating about NDEs for years and years.
I've got my very own positive experiences of love and beyond.
The only thing I can't still figure out is this: Is it true that there are "souls" (people) that will be lost forever?
I know that it is flaw premise, because I know what timeless is. I know how it feels to be immersed in that Light-Love-Care-Home feeling-state. Bt I believe you may get the idea.-
Some NDErs talk about dark souls playing a role the game of life. In fact the interaction with us at some point in life are already planned, and for a good reason for us.
Sometimes I'm puzzled about this subject...
So, I see 2 or 3 flawed options, maybe there are more since I feel like a 2yo kid when I speak about this particular subject:
1- I refuse to believe in a God/Love that could create something that was able to "lose" itself. Maybe there are lower vibration souls that are learning as we all do. At their own slow speed... So, it may take 1000s of lifes but they'll get "there" (they will love).
2- They are lost ONLY when they are on this physical plane of existance, and when they re-emerge in the non-physical those un-connected to the Source thoughts are shaken, buried, and washed away by eternal Love. ("a la Abraham Hicks way")
3- The Source love is perfect. The free will let those "souls" stay in the void/dark for all the "time" they want/can. (I don't like this option... something's wrong with it. Because I can't imagine people I love, who is NOT aligned with Source -from my POV- go to the void forever.
I know this: I've felt a spark of Love in persons that I love and I feel they are not aligned. I could be lying to myself, I know, but at the same time... it feels like a little secret that the Light/Love revealed me, because it is aware of my questions on this subject.
Anyway... My path is to love others, all of them, in time I know God will surprise me with something beyond my best dreams about this subject. Meanwhile, another week has just begun down here.
Have a great week!