I think
colonics are a good thing but they are limited in curing you.
colonics provide a window into the workings of your body you wouldn’t otherwise get. The practitioners are usually very nice people and knowledgeable about BMs which they can read like old fashioned soothsayers! It was a revelation to me that I retained so much stuff inside me despite going every day (at that time). I found
colonics especially helpful when I was doing a
parasite cleanse (most when I did an
Antibiotic one) and I had them before, during and after the medication.
The experience is clean and discreet, no nasty smells or sights. It is mildly uncomfortable but shouldn’t hurt. You feel spacey and tired afterwards and thirsty so take a drink. The normal thing is to have a course of three, a few weeks apart then maybe an annual. They are expensive so you are never going to have too many.
I took tablespoons of olive oil daily for a few weeks before. I was told I “released easily” and I guess this was why.
One annoying thing: the practitioners always try to sell you some product afterwards when you are not really concentrating. I have come away with a lot of useless stuff!