You can do
Liver Flushes with out doing
parasite cleansing first. Many people have done
Liver Flushing first, I am one of them.
At some time you should do
parasite cleansing, but you can go ahead and start with
Liver Flushing now. Gall stones are also formed in the liver and
Liver Flushing will get them out. You should do a
colonic the second day after liver flushing. If you cannot do that, then do an enema. This is to make sure the stones that you flush out of you liver get...flushed down the toilet and do not stay in you. Your liver will thank you for doing liver flushing.
Congratulations on your weight loss !! I do not know any thing about the South Beach diet. I do know that you need some good fats in your diet. Olive oil, coconut oil, and flax seed oil are good ones.
Good luck and welcome to Curezone.