Do a google search on the botanical name, then click "images" in the upper left to see pix of this herb.
As I understand it, the 'flowering tops' are the part of the plant is the part that is most effective.
>>>would this be worth encapsulating for anti
parasite or is this the wrong part of the plant? <<<
Firstly, encapsulating an herb is the least effective way to ingest it...depending upon one's digestive process and transit time, the capsules might not even completely 'melt' before being expelled (this happened to me 'early on' in my natural healing days). Even if they are completely dissolved before being expelled, that doesn't mean they're dissolved in the upper digestive tract. You want the herbs to be in contact with the intestines from as 'high up' in the intestinal tract as possible (both so they can be completely assimilated into the bloodstream, and so they can be in contact with the intestinal
parasites as completely as possible). This is another reason I suggest using the ground/dry blend of
parasite 'mixed into' the IF#2...so as the mucilage 'sticks to' the intestinal walls it will be driven into the plaque where the
parasites eat, live, breed and hide.
Secondly, although I recommend raw garlic & cayenne for
parasites (and a part of everyone's daily diet), that's just a part of the protocol for those who know they have
parasite issues. Just using a few herbs is not NEARLY as effective as using a complete array. Some herbs "numb", some "weaken", other help to "expel", and some are "killers"...a combination of 'all of the above' is MUCH more effective than just a few. This is why Humaworm, MH (I assume) and myself have all developed 'multi herb' formulas.