This is Newport's scriipt that has Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever in it. When you copy/paste it, you can change the dwell times to run for what you want them to run. With dowsing, it can be more or less a lot of the time.
CAFL numbers- run for 3 minutes each, unless you put in your own dwell time. You can make them run for what length of time YOU want them to run.
program c pulse 0 0 backfreq b 0 0 duty 82.4
# Title: Typhus Fever - Rickettsia prowazekii - Used as a biological weapon
# Description: fever, cough, rash, severe muscle pain, chills, falling blood pressure, stupor, sensitivity to light, and delirium.
# In Lyme patients: may show as Brill-Zinsser disease, a mild form of epidemic typhus which recurs
# in someone after a long period of latency (similar to the relationship between chickenpox and shingles).
# Title: Rocky_Mountain_spotted_fever aka Rickettsia rickettsii
# Description: fever, nausea, vomitting, severe headache, aneurysm (Thoracic), muscle pain, lack of appetite, followed by development of rash
# Title: Coxiella burnetti - Q.Fever - Used as a biological weapon
# Description: Fever, malaise, anorexia endocarditis (infection of the heart valves), abdominal aortic aneurysm
# Respiratory symptoms (usually dry) cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain, maculopapular rash
# myocarditis, headache, confusion, and neck stiffness, wheezing can be present in patients with pneumonia, cardiac murmurs
# extreme tiredness and weakness, even after minor exercise, muscle pains, headaches, fever, and depression
label 0
dwell 1200
9888888.7777 # Nucleic Acid, covers all plus some unknown to me, destroys toxin
label 1 # Biowarfare Spores
dwell 240
duty 50
label Typhus.spore
label QFever.spore