I experienced my crash at about 8 weeks post removal. I also experienced I horrible anxiety, panic, depression, loss of appetite, night sweats, insomnia, heart racing, intense boughts of rage, ringing ears and dizziness. The worst of it lasted for a week then it tapered off gradually by the end of the second week.
I had the Mirena from May 09-November 09. I am nearing the end of my 3rd full month Mirena free, and about to start my 4th cycle. My periods so far have all been on time. Gererally the past month I have started to really feel like myself again and everyone around me is noticing that I am my old self again.
I made it though with the help out a few Xanax, and lots of vitamins and eating and trying to keep busy.
I am in PMS mode this week (which I love because it feels good to have a period) so I have lingering waves of anxiety, but nothing that leades to the panic attacks or racing thoughts. I have some insomnia, but some melatonin or Kava tea works. I have migraines and I have been using HEAD ON instead of migraine meds because they make my anxiety worse. The week after my period I am generally really exhausted and my
Acne flares up. So I think I still have a hormonal imbalance but its nothing like what must have been the crash. that was hell and I thought I was going to go insane.
Because I've been tracking my moods and sympoms so closely and thinking back to pre Mirena days, I'm realizing that I may have always had a slight estrogen/ progestrone imbalance. With all the research that I have done on these hormones, and asked questions to my mother and sister about their cycles, I'm learning things I would have never realized about my body had I not been though the Mirena Hell.
Im going to see the best chinese herbalist in town on Friday. Can't wait!