Relax you're doing just fine. It's gonna be what it's gonna be. Observe and learn. Cleanses are a learning experience and a good diagnostic for what your system needs. Be glad that what's coming out IS coming out. BOTI (better out than in).
If you're congested then you are congested and that be that. Be glad that you are addressing the situation before you had any "apparent"adverse effects. If at day 17 you are still expelling some solids and you have been straining the pulp from the lemonade then it's a good indication that you should follow up with some dedicated colon cleansing and a radical change in diet/lifestyle.
The Lemonade is NOT going to make you congested PERIOD. The complete opposite is the case. If you have been eating the standard american diet (SAD) including processed food and red meat then depeding on many factors including your genetics you could very likely be "that congested". Just be glad that you are addressing things before suffering any "apparent" adverse effects or you have already experienced adverse effects and that is why you are doing the cleanse. Being overweight or obese IS one of the "effects" of a congested system.
"As told" means nothing unless we know exactly what you were told including the exact recipe. Did you read the book?? 6 lemonades per day is the bare minimum . You can have up to 12.
The calorie carb thing does not apply in terms of weightloss when you are "fasting". As a matter of fact the less calories you take in the more your metabolism slows down and the more the system will try to hold on to fat reserves. This is natures survival modus operandi where in times of famine the system will horde fat reserves to ensure survival. In terms of weight loss you are better off cutting down the MS per drink and adding more lemonades since then you will be taking in more cayenne and lemon both of which help the system detox more efficiently.Most toxins are stored in fat.