Over the past two years, I've managed to complete about 30 liver flushes. I've cleared hundreds of stones from my liver and I would still like to carry on flushing. However, I have a problem: I can't stand the smell or taste of olive oil anymore. Just a small taste makes me want to throw up. Last night I tried mixing Coke with the grapefruit and oil, to try and improve the taste, but I only managed to drink half of the mixture. As a result, I only got out around 20 stones this morning. I know I have more because I can still feel a pressure in my gallbladder area. I never used to have this problem, but after doing so many flushes, I can't stand to drink the oil anymore.
So can anyone offer any suggestions to improve the taste? I've thought about eating a high fat meal instead of drinking the oil - has anyone experimented with this before?
Looking forward to reading some ideas,