I feel so angry and sad reading what all of these women are going through, most certainly caused by the Mirena IUD. I am a 50 year old female attorney who is very fit and normal weight. After the birth of my youngest daughter when I was 42 years old, my OBGYN talked me into using the Mirena IUD for birth control.
I thought it was great, because I basically stopped having periods. I also started having many other side-effects, but did not initially attribute them to the Mirena IUD (I sure wish I had done my research before having it inserted).
Only after almost seven years of ZERO sex drive, numerous panic attacks that resulted in hospitalization (I am NOT the type to have panic attacks due to emotional problems!), and a constant stinking gross discharge, did I get a clue and start reading about what other women had experienced by using this god-forsaken contraption and finally have it removed.
I was absolutely STUNNED to read posts on the Internet by hundreds of other women who had also completely lost their sex drive, had panic attacks, and suffered from nasty discharge due to the Mirena IUD.
I thought the total loss of sex drive was just something that came with age! I had three different doctors check that rotten discharge over the period of one year and none of them could find anything wrong that would cause it! When I suddenly started having racing heart, dizzy spells and near-black-outs, no doctor could figure out what was causing it and diagnosed me with "panic attacks!"
What happened after I had the Mirena IUD removed?
NO more dizzy spells. No more discharge. My sex drive came back with the fury of a dog in heat.
I feel a tremendous amount of sadness about that.
Seven years that I can't get back that my poor husband had to initiate sex with a frigging ice queen who merely complied because it was the right thing to do.
I had completely forgotten how amazing, exciting, fun, and life affirming it is to WANT sex!
I am posting my story because if I can help one woman know the truth about Mirena the way all of these women who took the time to post their stories helped me then thank God.