since it sounds like we have essentially the same symptoms, i'll provide a few more details on my condition and maybe we (and others) can compare notes.
SEVERITY: moderate but constant pinkness/redness on my nose and cheeks. it will flake if i don't use jojoba oil or a topical antifungal a few times every couple of weeks. i also have itchy red patches on my chest (also seb derm, sometimes called ringworm), which tends to come and go based on being sweaty or stressed.
AGE OF ONSET: probably 25 when i first noticed redness and flaking on my nose and cheeks. no problems before that. but pretty constant since then. i'm now 32.
SIMILAR CONDITIONS: i had developed fungal infections on my chest, arms, and groin around the same time. the arms and groin have gone away, but the chest and face are still there.
MEDICATIONS: none now. but i took several courses of
Antibiotics around the time this all started, and i think it could be related.
DIET: strictly low-carb, high protein/fat, and extremely nutrient-dense. mostly vegetables, meats, oils, and eggs. largely organic. this has resulted in great body composition, but has not really helped my condition much.
LIFESTYLE: about as clean as possible. no drinking, drugs, pretty good sleep, moderate stress. should mention that around the time this started, i was drinking my face off (probably 30 beers/wk) and eating a ton of artificial sweeteners, and other less than ideal things (but still low carb). i wonder if i caused liver damage back then?
OTHER HEALTH ISSUES: great lipid profile, decent liver enzymes, good body composition, exercise/lift 3x per week, some anxiety and
Depression issues.
TOPICALS - ketoconazole, terbinafine, tea tree oil, etc. all moderately effective, but it always comes back. always. and the redness pinkness always remains. i can't remember the last time my face did not have a pinkish tinge to it. jojoba oil is the best for the flaking though, using that at night has stopped it almost completely. may try the baking soda, but i don't think that or any other topical approach will "cure" or permanently resolve the issue.
SUPPLEMENTS - high dose and varied probiotics - many different kinds, high dose fish oil, milk thistle, turmeric, ginger, raw garlic, high dose b vitamins (in high quality multi i take), msm, glutamine, drinking green/white tea, drinking neem tea (just started this), grapefruit seed extract, and pau d'arco. condition has not gotten worse - so they could be helping delay progression - but it also hasn't gotten much better. the riboflavin is an interesting idea i had not yet encountered, but i already get a high amount (50 mg, 3000% RDA) from my multi.
CLEANSES - candida cleanse (candex) and
parasite cleanse (humaworm). no noticeable effects.
SYSTEMIC PRESCRIPTIONS - fluconazole (diflucan) for 3 weeks, which i think helped the fungal infection on my chest a little bit. effects not lasting.
NEXT STEPS FOR ME... see a naturopath when i finish my phd and start working full time to get a thorough micronutrient assessment. despite having a really regimented, healthy diet, i wonder if something is missing. i am also considering a
Liver Flush as well.
what have others tried?