As the maker of the AutoZap 5 super-fast zapper and the Integrated Wellness System, which includes our unique FreeCoil SuperZappicator, I have had a lot of experience and feedback from our many zappicator customers. The magnetic fields used in our SuperZappicator are small and safe, only a few times stronger than the magnetic field of the earth. Modulating them with the zapper output does not generate any harmful effects. By contrast, the Bob Beck pulser puts out a pulsed field 60,000 times stronger than the earth's filed. This CAN induce significant disturbances, especially in the brain's delicate circuitry.
The only possible concern would be with eliminating the
parasites or toxins that may be neutralized, rather than heart electrical problems. This can be done by ensuring your kidneys flow well (see Dr. Clark's kidney cleanse)
and drinking plenty of clean water.
God bless you!