Hi there! Sure hope I got your user name right this time!!
Yes, my liver is still very congested and my brain fog is
horrible, which is evidenced by my mistakes in writing and
speaking! I have been an R.N. for 26 years and this has
been devastating for me to have this horrible brain fog
and having such a hard time getting well. But, Julia's
herbs--Coptis, Curcuma, Gold Coin Grass and Chinese Bitters
have been absolutely wonderful for me. I started them 3 weeks
ago yesterday and have made incredible progess in just 3 weeks.
I had a parasitic nesting mass stuck in my bile duct and after
being on the herbs for one week and then doing a liver flush--
all of my bloating, distention and IBS symptoms are GONE.
My sciatic pain which I have had for years is gone. My hot
sweats are gone. I have now done two flushes since
starting the herbs and have now passed massive amounts of
tapeworm and roundworms debri and mushy stones. Anyway,
thanks for your response a while back to me and I would like
to ask you what kind of enemas do you do? I have done
Chloryphyl and coffee. I have done the coffee just because
my liver was so congested with worms,etc. (Frozen Shoulder)
that they have helped a lot, but I fear they have exhausted
my adrenals to cause the brain fog or it may just be that
I still do not have clean bile ducts because my liver and
gallbladder still hurt after 18 flushes. I respect your
feedback! Thanks!