Beg to differ! About this being a "good site". Well I
did´nt get past this
...."Every guru claims to know something you cannot know by yourself or through ordinary channels. All gurus promise access to a hidden reality if only you will follow their teaching, accept their authority, hand your life over to them. Certain questions are off limits. There are things you cannot know about the guru and the guru's personal life. Every doubt about the guru is a reflection of your own unworthiness, or the influence of an external evil force. The more obscure the action of the guru, the more likely it is to be right, to be cherished. Ultimately you cannot admire the guru, you must worship him. You must obey him, you must humble yourself, for the greater he is, the less you are - until you reach the inner circle and can start abusing other people the way your guru abused you. All this is in the very nature of being a guru....."
Because of first hand experience I KNOW these assertions to be wrong and much has been grossly misinterpreted to fit into someone else´s (the authors´s?) belief system.
Mine has ALWAYS stated that according to the REAL sanskrit meaning of the term GURU and the only VALID meaning of the word/idea is that the guru resides in each and every one of us, guiding us thru the darkness of ignorance as per our own free will. Questioning is more than encouraged - in fact this makes up for about 60 - 70% of one´s spiritual journey. So "certain questions being off limits" is wrong. Of course there are things that you cannot know about the guru (a person in this context) and his/her personal life: each and every ONE being so unique and different. How much do you know about yourSELF??? Instead of nosing around other people´s lives and trying them to change and "see your light" (missionary style), every one is encouraged to KNOW THYSELF. Anyone on a genuine spiritual journey will tell you that (thru questioning etc.)one´s personal life is in a constant state of flux and much changing is involved... especially when certain false beliefs and concepts are thrown overboard. Its an on-going Process: what may have been valid some years ago are no longer valid today or seen in a new context. Time for instance is invalid (a human experience) in certain " tran scendental moments".
"External evil forces" are seen as a projection of fears, and attitudes (beliefs, concepts) one has still not confronted and seen as a part of YOU - the ignorant part that needs "lighting up" or confrontation in a loving manner.
Absuing other people.... there are certainly some people
c l a i m i n g to be gurus who abuse - I don´t personally know of any and go out of my way to avoid missionising or missionary-types... Common sense is another aspect of one´s inner guru and allowing onesself to be abused has certainly nothing to do with this - although it could, in some cases be a waking up call if one is willing to question, open one´s eyes and assert one´s free will (other aspects of the guru). I´m reminded here of the parallels (in some ways) of the "almighty" pharma industry, MSM and sheeple. Our insatiable greed (for wrong food, worldy knowledge, etc. etc.) has allowed these monsters to come forth and dominate many aspects of our lives.
So in conclusion - it would seem to me that the person claiming to know "ALL" gurus has´nt a clue of what he´s talking about... which is why I could not get past the ignorant claim ..."All this is in the very nature of being a guru.....".
LOVE, PEACE, Shalom, Happiness! for ONE and all!
Samastha Loka