Many people believe that the liver and bowel are reservoirs for the bio-chemical residue of toxic emotions, like profound sadness, anger or jealousy. When these organs are cleansed some of this negative emotional residue resurfaces and we relive those emotions. I believe this may very well be true.
I have suffered from clinical
Depression for decades and have been on three different prescription anti-depressant medications and have used things like St.John's Wort and Kava Kava on my own. When I began to get off prescription meds. and started doing various cleanses I found the old depressive feelings would often arise. This has happened after
Liver Flushes and colon cleanses, and was especially severe after my second Master Cleanse fast. You may not be able to change the fact that these feeling will arise, but if you are aware of why you are feeling that way you should be able to cope. DO you ever get really depressed just before your period? After it starts, you probably feel better, this is a similar example of cleansing and emotions.
Remember the tried and true Curezone motto (unofficial of course) "Better Out Than In". If you can release the bio-chemical toxins of past depressive episodes, then you are cleansing yourself of far more than just gallstones. Try and right out some positive affirmations and reminders that you are releasing toxic emotions when you cleanse. Have some good cries if you need to, tears are cleansing too.