I did my first liver cleanse yesterday and today after having pain in my gall bladder area on and off over the past year or so. I did a
parasite cleanse and a week of dr. Clark's zapping before the cleanse per her instructions. I drank my last dose of
Epsom Salts thinking this was not working. Nothing had happened at all... and then it came. I can't believe all that stuff was in my body. The first movement had maybe ten pea size stones floating. The second had one the size of a prune and numerous smaller sizes. I put them on a paper towel and plate to examine and gather them all. I guesss there was about 3/4 cup of green "stones" that i strained out of several movements. Most of them, hundreds, the size of bee pollen. I never thought there would be that much. My concern now is do I do it again and how soon? If that much came out of me, could there be more still? It will be exciting to see how I feel over the next couple of days and weeks. There was a dull ache/pressure feeling under my right rib cage before the cleanse that feels better already.