my dreams are inspiring me to keep on, or at least trying to. My heart chakra feels so sick, I try to vomit, but nothing comes out. Last night I had a headache. I did not know if it was the mold in my apartment or the fast. Had dreams about some
parasite trying to get in through the air. My body has further to go.
Been reading Bragg's book on fasting. It says no more than up to 10 days w/out a supervisor, but it can be alternated w/ a clean non-meat diet, like, 10 days eat, 10 days fast, on & off again. He said it took him 2 years of this to overcome his TB. That's one hell of a disease.
If I do that, I want to eat a lot of raw meat, go paleo/primal once I've weaned my system from the fast w/ veggie juices/veggies... I believe there's healing powers in raw meat that just are not found in other foods, but I do not know if it will get out the mercury. Bragg's book says one guy got a lot of mercury out while fasting. He called it "quick-silver".
I'm certain a lot of my problems stem from mercury poison. I might have got some out in my urine, but I can tell it's still there. What are the limits of what a man is willing to do to be a man? Mercury is keeping me from so much. Those bastards! Damn the FDA and the dentists and Rockefeller & all of em. Did this crap on purpose based on a false belief in inferior races/stock/breeds of humans. Biggest load of crap. All humankind is one. What sets us apart is our hearts, not money, not power, but kindness and truthfulness. They wont be able to hide on 2012 :) "Downpressa man! Where ya goin to run to now?" -Tosh