Hi jelly1219,
From what you have described your symptoms are consistent with a possible infection in the bladder called CYSTITIS, which fasting should resolve; OR from an irritation of the bladder, called INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS, which again fasting should resolve; OR from a
kidney stone stuck in the bladder, which is difficult to remove/dissolve via fasting in this organ, which it would normally do in-situ within the kidneys; OR a chemical in the urine.
There are no easy answers to a multitude of symptoms.
The only way to have an accurate diagnosis is to go to your local Doctor/Hospital for tests.
I know I slate modern medicine a great deal, but they do tend to excel at "Diagnostics" and are bound to give you a very accurate cause or causes of your complaints.
This I feel is the best and safest course of action to take.
Sorry if it disappoints.
Take care.
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