I would first do two things: Give her colloidal silver in her water bowl daily, maybe a teaspoon to a tablespoon and if she is not on a raw diet, I would switch her to raw. Many times just switching to a raw diet will correct health issues.
Her symptoms could indicate several conditions. If they are due to an infection, colloidal silver will take care of the problem. It kills one celled pathogens, even those becoming resistant to antibiotics. Not only that, colloidal silver strengthens the immune system, enhances general health and taken daily, prevents infections. Frankly, I advise that all pets (and humans) take colloidal silver.
Now, for the specific symptoms you mention, as I said, they could be due to several conditions, some serious. Is she drinking excessively? To rule out the possibility of it being something serious I would visit the vet. My choice of vet, however, would be a holistic one, who can treat her "naturally" without depending on harmful drugs.
My Best,
Hey Eme,
Sorry to hear your cat is sick, thats bad since they can't tell us what's wrong. This was taken from the last part of the SYL Manual.
"Taking care of your cat."
Interviewer: You haven't mentioned a cat story....
Schulze: Okay, the two main things that I see with cats is urinary tract infections) a lot of cystitis, inflammation of the urinary tract) and also stones (kidney stones).
First of all, they have linked it to preservatives put into the cat food, like nitrites. They are loaded with those. This is the problem. Again, it goes back to our basics; it's either the animal didn't get enough exercise or it is what we are feeding it. Those are really feeding problems with a cat. I would have thousands of those.
The first thing you have to do is get the right food going into the animal. Stop all commercial food and get immediately on your own food program.
Get it on some super nutrition and of course garlic is the greatest antibiotic for the urinary tract. It stops the infection that the cat probably has and then go to your urinary tract herbs.
Dogs and cats will also drink herb tea. If you have a lot of urinary tract inflammation with a cat, you can get it into the marshmallow type tea.
If you want to get it to pee more, use your diuretic herbs like uva ursi. If it's only a little infection, you can use chopped up juniper berries. You can have them eat the raw herb. You know, I find that cats like it. If they don't, mix a little bit of catnip in it. Caps love catnip and you can mix catnip in with any dried herb powder and they will go for it.
Interviewer: So marshmallow root is for inflammation?
Schulze: It is a good soother for the urinary tract. If you want them to pee more, go to the uva ursi.
Interviewer: What about parsley? Will parsley root work for them?
Schulze: Sure. Parsley root and leaf will make them pee more and is good for the infection. Just go right with all the same herbal treatments that you would for a person.
Hope you've got some of this stuff on hand. Hope she gets well soon. Please let us know what you do and how it works. ;)
Colloidal silver might not address the root cause, but sometimes taking care of the symptom while making healthy changes is the way to go. I know of a very great many people who have used colloidal silver for dogs, cats and other animals. I have never heard of a single problem from doing so, but there have been a tremendous numbers of positive reports.
An herbal tea might well have very good results, but I would opine that a cat's natural diet would be mostly raw meats and perhaps some fruits and vegetables from forage (cats. like dogs are opportunistic mostly carnivorous eaters) and their normal diets do not include the items that make up many herbal formulas, so in a sense a herbal tea, tincture or other formula is also something that is unnatural to a cat's normal diet which is used to remedy a problem. I would also opine that colloidal silver, which contains nano-sized particles of the valuable and natural trace element silver which mankind has been ingesting in plants and water since we put down our first footsteps in the sands of time, is every bit as natural as herbal formulas which have been processed from natural herbs because one does not go out into the field and find tinctures. teas or other formulas hanging off bushes or trees in the wild.
Don't get me wrong, I have the greatest respect for herbal tinctures (and Uny makes some wonderful ones) and use several, but I also have the greatest respect for colloidal silver and use it both personally and for our pets with wonderful success.
Be very careful with the garlic. Garlic and onions can indeed be harmful and even fatal to cats if consumed in sufficient quantity.
All the best,