Your symptoms sound like low stomach acid along with poor liver function leading to hypothyroidism. The lack of stomach acid leads to the bloating. And the poor liver function creates hormone imbalances that lead to the acne and hypothyroidism.
Lab tests almost always miss cases of hypothyroidism. A more accurate way to determine hypothyroidism is through basal body temperature:
The best way to deal with the bloating and hormone issues is with digestive bitters, 1/2 dropper full on the tongue right before meals. Drink plenty of water throughout the day:
Zinc, 50mg daily with a large meal, also helps increase stomach acid, reduce Candida and treat acne.
Hveragerthi--i've been taking digestive enzymes before every meal or around 4 times a day and they seem to be helping with digestion a little bit. Do you think bitters are more effective? Or could I take enzymes and bitters together?
Bitters are definitely a better choice. I don't care for enzymes, especially long term. Substituting for the body's production of a substance can cause the body to shut down the production of that substance. So it is a much better idea to stimulate production in the body rather than substitute for it. And bitters will raise stomach acid, digestive enzymes and bile.
Another problem with enzymes is that they also frequently add cellulase and hemicellulase. These break down the fibers that normally feed the flora, in to simple sugars that just add calories to the body. And by preventing proper feeding of the flora this suppresses the immune system, promotes Candida and pathogenic bacteria overgrowth, reduction of vitamin synthesis by the flora, reduced nutrient absorption, and proper detoxification of substances such as estrogen metabolites.
Opinion re: food enzymes (papain/bromelain) i.e., non-metabolic/digestive enzymes. Any negative effect on flora?
No, these will not affect the intestinal flora.
Keep in mind though that bromelain is a common allergen.
What about taking D.B. if one has Gilbert's Syndrome(too much bile). Which D.B. do you suggest.
Gilbert's syndrome is actually excessive bilirubin in the blood. Liver problems are associated with GS though. Because of this in your case I recommend finding some artichoke leaf tincture. Artichoke leaf will act as a bitter and support the liver at the same time. The recommended dose is the same for regular bitters, a half a dropper full on the tongue right before meals.
If you cannot find the tincture you can easily make your own by obtaining some artichoke leaf online and using some vodka to tincture it.