I have been gargling 2%
Iodine Povidone for the last few days to clear up my white tongue. Today I noticed some worms in my stool. The best specimen was perhaps 15 cms long and uniformly needle thin. It was faecal coloured but that's probably not surprising! I think if I had been able to wash it then it would have been close to transparent.
Now I am an avid stool watcher and have never noticed any worms in my stool before (I have never done a parasitic cleanse).
Two questions. Anyone have any idea what worm it is? Secondly, do you think it was the
Iodine that killed them? I don't swallow the iodine, so I would think very little, if any, would reach any worms in my intestines via my oesophagus and stomach.
I have noticed quite a strong herx reaction from this Povidone gargling. I had assumed it was from the yeast in my mouth, but if the
Iodine is killing
parasites in my bowel, perhaps it is also killing yeast?