Hi, If I remember correctly, this is about the timeline that things happened: within about a day the bleeding and spotting stopped, within a couple days the pain meds weren't necessary, within about a week the stiches came out, within about a year the bone graft hardens completely.
Choose a good doctor for minimal recovery time, case in point: My relative went to Dr. Alireza Panahpour and the recovery time was amazing. Everything healed super fast and beautifully. He is the best. She went to a nightmare oral surgeon before Pana named Dr. Erwin and recovery was hell and things still hurt from him, so I witnessed firsthand what can happen when you go to a bad doctor: you don't recover.
In terms of your wisdom teeth, Dr. Panahpour can clean cavitations left by wisdom teeth extracted improperly, he sees it and does it all the time and sees it right away on the xrays even if your regular dentist misses it like most do because they don't know what to look for. He also rehabilitates bite misalignments/TMJ issues. Seeing what comes out of cavitation areas is amazing and you would think that the body would freak out by being invaded by surgery, but it is exactly the opposite when the surgeon is gentle and thorough like Pana, the body is actually relieved that it doesn't have to deal infection anymore. It breaths a sigh of relief, but only if the surgeon employs gentle removal methods like Pana does. He is very minimalist and noninvasive but thorough. He is just amazing, he does the best oral surgery work in the world, hands down. Also he loves it when his patients still have their wisdom teeth in, he is an oral surgeon who doesn't do routine removals to line his pockets like others do that is how you know he is a true biological/holistic dentist. He believes wisdom teeth are good for a person to keep when possible which is a lot of the time.
Dr. Panahpour's number is (888)338-6336.