He's a pompous ass, but the research he does with hypnotized people is compelling.
Reader's Digest version: when we "die" we go to a small pod of souls that we travel through "time' with and get refreshed, loved etc. and choose together to come back and work out lessons until we become so advanced we morph into source. He's anal and has it all mapped out with circles and lists, but it's cool because it all fits.
Yes, my first read of it was 12 years ago.
Funny you should bring this book up right now .....
12 years ago, I was going through a really, really tough time. I had not long split up with my then husband and was having quite a yucky time - working full time and looking after my twin boys, then aged four. I had no support structure as we had moved to an area away from friends and family.
I'd started on a quest for deeper Spiritual understanding and I would spend a lot of time in crystal shops ...
One day, the kids and I were in this beautiful little crystal shop and a little old lady came up to me and told me her guide had asked her to pass me a message. The message was "Go to Glastonbury for the day and drink water from the Chalice Wells."
I hadn't been to Glastonbury before, and it was a 6 hour round trip by car. I wasn't sure if the lady was genuine or not but I needed a break ... so I took a day off work, dropped the kids at nursery school and set off.
As I arrived in Glastonbury, I felt very good. I didn't know then that this was such a special place, steeped in spiritual history. Most people in the UK refer to Glastonbury as the heart chakra of Europe. It is our equivalent to your Sedona.
As I wondered around, I felt drawn to enter a book shop. All the books were on spiritual subjects and I felt overwhelmed at the choice. The book shop keeper came up to me and said: "You don't need to look at the books, I know the book your Soul is looking for" and he then picked up 'Journey of Souls' and passed it to me. I bought it and then went to sit in Chalice Wells and drink the water from the spring and that is when I started reading it.
Everything in that book rang true for me ... and still does. I have reread it several times since. (I also think there is a lot more than the book covers, however, it is possible that Micahel Newton was blocked from receiving it all)
On to the present ....
Last year, I kept feeling this urge to move to Glastonbury ... a really deep calling. (Eventhough I had only visited 3 times since, each time for a day) but I couldn't see that there was any logic to just sell up and go .. especially because my partner was against it and my kids were at an important time in their education. However, everytime I would be quiet .. I would hear Glastonbury .. calling me.
Something else about Glastonbury: In total, I had been there 4 times over the last decade, a day each time. And every time I was there, people would follow me. Not in a spooky way, but in a way as if they were following someone who was famous. People would come up and talk to me, treat me like I was really fascinating .. want to know about me. I felt very at home there, just wondering around.
To bring this story to NOW. A couple of weeks ago, I was channeled a message ... and this time, I was told to take an extended vacation in Glastonbury!!! I was quite taken aback as you can imagine. I asked if I was meant to live there and the answer was "No ... the reason you feel so good about Glastonbury is that one of your lifetimes was in Glastonbury and it was one of your most enjoyable lifetimes. In that life, you were very connected to mother Earth and was 100% supported in every way. It was a time of great power that was used wisely. BUT this time, you are to go to Glastonbury so that you remember how it felt in every way and ground yourself again in that energy. This time, you will be able to bring the essence of Glastonbury back with you to your locality and RECREATE the essence of Glastonbury in your community"
I was also told that my one-to-one therapy work with people was limiting me and that it would be more beneficial for me to work in medium sized groups. (That makes a lot of sense to me in many ways)
Within a few days, the opportunity of taking a 1 month vacation to Glastonbury opened up ... everything just fell into place - the right accomodation, the right situation for me to be able to leave all my responsibilities and know that it will all be looked after
.. so I am leaving the middle of January.
As you can imagine, I'm very excited about going!
This is Chalice Wells: http://www.chalicewell.org.uk/
This is about Glastonbury: http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/
Maya XX
Yes, Michael helped me in the beginning of my journey also, right after Dr. Brian Weiss.
You tell such wonderful stories, I could read your posts forever. Have you written any books? That would be a great gift for all of us if you do. I'd like to hear what happened to you and your boys, all the books you've read and the guides you've met along the way.
Isn't it amazing how much quicker we're learning and things are changing? I wonder how much is because of the internet?
Since you live in the UK, do you like Rosemary Altea? I really enjoyed her books, esp. her autobiographical ones. And here we have the wonderful Shirley Maclaine and Louise Hay.
I love reading people's stories, how they met, how they learned new things, how they overcame adversity etc.
What kind of therapy work do you do?
I come under the label of 'Kinesiologist' - but most people call me an 'Energy Psychologist' because that is really what I do - work with people's energy and help them to establish their natural flow. (However, in my mind, I call myself a mind-body therpist!)
The 'tools' I use as part of a kinesiology treatment are: homeopathics, all types of essences, nutritional therapy, sound therapy (meridian and chakra tuning forks), acupuncture, colour therapy, also some chiropractic adjustments ... too many things to list really :-) But I have found that counselling people to release their emotional baggage so that they can raise their vibration is the most efficient method for healing (of shall I say .. that is what I am best at) ... quite simply because the body knows how to heal itself when the flow is re-established.
As to my training ... it is vast (not because I wanted more certificates ... but because I am interested in just about everything!!) I started off my training in colour and crystal therapy .... then with Dr Richard Brandler as a NLP practitioner ... I then became certified to teach Louise Hay's work .... and ran workshops ... I then got my qualifications in counselling as well as EFT and Emotrance and other energy therapies like Qigong ... I am missing out a lot here, but this covers the main modalities.
I was also on the first (Dr Hew Len's) Ho'oponopono UK training seminars. I've been involved in lots more besides ... all sorts of other fascinating things.
A lot of what I know doesn't come from training ... I feel that guides have given me knowledge or I have been guided by my higher self. I get verbal messages quite often and also feel things in my body.
One thing that threw many things out the window for me was when I met Master Yu (aka The Living Buddha - Dechan Jueren) - he was on his first ever (and possible only) visit to the UK.
I'm not sure how to describe this ... but Master Yu explained how his sect had been in hiding for many centuries and that is how they discovered secret powers to transmute poisons. He then gave me a mini baptism of sorts and after that, he told me I had now been passed on all the powers that his monks had taken hundreds of years to develop. The main power was the ability to remove toxins from food, water and air.
To be honest, I didn't believe it at the time, but when I got home from my meeting, I told my partner what had happened and we started playing around with water. We got some heavily fluorinated water (from my neighbours tap) and I did my little 20 second cleanse of it and then asked several teenagers (friends of my kids) to test a selection of water. Everyone liked my cleansed water a lot and all felt some yucky sensation with the fluorinated water!
After that, my partner decided that he wanted to try and eat a prawn. Now, my partner at the time had allergic reactions to prawns!! We were always very careful because the allergy was so extreme that he would go into anaphylactic shock even if a tiny bit of prawn touched his lips.
I was hesitant but he really wanted me to test this ... so I did this 20 second energy cleanse and he started eating a prawn. And nothing! He was absolutely fine. And has been fine ever since.
It's only in the last year or so that it has been made clear to me why and how this happened. It is my understanding that I shifted timelines and accessed powers from other lifetimes. I know this all sounds wierd ... it even sounds wierd to me when I think about it ... but I think we are all shifting in and out of different timelines that are connected to other dimensions.
If it is true that we are all One, and we are ultimately all Source energy, it makes sense that each and every one of us has complete access to all knowledge and power.
How I see this moving is that the only important thing to do is to raise our personal vibration. The higher the vibration, the easier it is to connect with other timelines and access all the knowledge from different dimensions. It's all happening NOW anyway :-)
As to my twins, who are now 16 - one is very similar to me and he's studying philosophy and music. He's a gifted song writer. The other one, well, he has come as my greatest teacher. I get to learn patience, acceptance and unconditional love ... because he pushes EVERY button, so I am always seeing myself through him. He mirrors to me everything I still have to release in order to learn all the lessons I came here for. He's my annoying guru :-)
As soon as I able to, I will give up my one-to-one work. I'm ready to work more in community based programs - not clear on the details yet ... that's why I am headed for Glastonbury next month. But I am starting to get the picture of me working in medium sized groups, holding the space .. no longer DOing but BEing ...
As to writing books, no (not yet anyway) ... I'm not an eloquent writer .. I prefer to talk. The main writing I do is on Curezone. Admittedly, I do have a lot of stories .. very interesting stuff about things that have happened to me, people I've met, what I have come to learn from direct experience etc. I'm sure everyone here has them too. Would you like to share?
I'll end by saying I am a very ordinary person! If you met me, you would just think of me as someone with a big smile who loves to play with her dogs.
Maya XX
Wow Maya, you certainly are talented and interesting. I wish you lived around here.
Isn't that odd how twins could be so different? Children certainly soften our rough edges.
It's so nice to be able to come in here and get comforted and recharged from souls like you.
I hope you write lots of books, but until then I'm very happy you're in here to lift us up.