Good to hear you are getting Mirena out -- the sooner removed, the sooner the recovery!
I know every woman's symptoms pre and post Mirena are different, but here are mine. I am 6 months post-Mirena this weekend.
The first month post-Mirena for me was amazing in a lot of ways. Many of my symptoms disappeared immediately and have not returned, joint pain being the most noticible. My worst symptoms (IBS and dry eye) seemed to be a little bit better. My mood improved immediately, it was like a switch had been flipped and I remembering what it was like to enjoy life after a year and a half of Mirena.
Two months post Mirena I developed new problems -- severe heartburn, nausea, and acid reflux that lasted for about 5 weeks. My eye symptoms improved drastically, however some of my old symptoms returned and were worse than before -- night sweats, general anxiety, and insomnia being the worst. My IBS also got bad again, and my period didn't come.
These symptoms have slowly improved with the help of a Naturopath specializing in hormone balance. It's not for everybody, but progesterone cream helped the anxiety, night sweats, sleep problems, and IBS while also getting my period on a regular schedule.
Month 5 my eye problems got much worse right after my 4th period (from what other ladies have said, month 4 can bring back all your original symptoms as hormones rebalance, and I figure that's what was happening here) and have improved again. Heartburn and Nausea haven't been back, but I've just started my 5th post-mirena period, and my acid reflux came back very suddenly. I'm hoping that it disappears with this cycle.
I never used to have PMS or bad cramps before Mirena, but now they are awful. At least I'm getting my period though -- which means my body hasn't stopped producing it's own hormones, which is pretty encouraging!
I'm feeling 50% better overall, with the really bad times only happening during a week or two of the month. I'm hopeful that by 9 months post, I'll really be feeling close to normal again, and by a year, I'll hardly think about Mirena any more! I have to remind myself that now I'm able to do things that I couldn't even think about doing in the worst Mirena times. My eyes and stomach felt too awful for me to go out with friends, I could hardly stand music practice because of the joint pain in my hands and the strain it would put on my eyes (I'm a musician, and this was very distressing!), and I wasn't dating because, frankly, my stomach problems made me worry I'd have an accident, and because of the rigorous medical regimen of drops and compresses for my eyes before bed. At this moment I spend time out with my friends without thinking about it, am in 3 bands, and am dating again. Thank Heavens!
It will get better! Good luck!