I thought this might be helpful to anyone with headaches related to liver/gallbladder congestion. Sorry this is so long, but I think it requires a little background. I've had chronic headaches most of my life, as did my mother and grandmother. They're multi-faceted, connected to hormone fluctuations, tension, structural misalignments, dental issues, bowel toxicity, lymphatic congestion, yeast &
parasite infection, liver/gallbladder congestion, and probably some psycho-spiritual elements, as well. I've been working on all those aspects, and have found them ALL to be interconnected. I've developed a lot of body awareness and intuition about this stuff over the years, and get a lot of regular bodywork (from my boyfriend of 8 years, among others). I've been getting gradually better, have done about 7 flushes, some wildly successful, others not so much, but am just today gearing up for #8 after a hiatus of 4-6 months or so, since I've really been feeling like I need it.
A few days ago I had a crazy intense headache, mostly on the right side, which felt like it ran all the way down to my gallbladder & liver, particularly in the area of the common bile duct where it often feels raised and hard. I knew it was a "liver" headache because my eyes looked cloudy, small pupils, and had a yellowish cast to my skin. I often feel these liver headaches during my period, when I'll also feel the "headache" running between my head, liver/gallbladder, and right ovary, which has shown up as large and cystic on ultrasound, probably with endometriosis, which my intuition tells me is related to infection. I'm pretty sure there's a large yeast issue in all those organs, and there might be yeast and
parasites blocking the bile ducts. (Interestingly, there is an acupuncture point specifically to target
parasites in the bile ducts). In the past, working the gallbladder meridan for several hours with accupressure, or just sort of waiting it out was the only way to get rid of this type of headache. With this most recent one, 3 days later it was still really bad and not responding to the usual methods.
I knew it would be a few more days before I could do a flush, and I decided to do some deep self-massage on the liver and gallbladder, sort of "milking" the ducts in the area where I generally knew they were. After a few minutes of gurgling and movement, the headache began to clear out really fast, and when my boyfriend came home later, he worked on it some more - lots of gurgling, "like milking a cow" he said, and the headache went away completely after that. What was striking was how fast manually pushing out that bile back-up got rid of the headache. Anyway, there are a number of different techniques related to organ massage/visceral manipulation, craniosacral, etc. that can be really useful if you can find and afford an experienced professional, but if not, and you can get familiar with your own anatomy and tune in to what's going on in your body, how your emotions affect your organs, etc., you can really work on yourself. Even if you don't get headaches, you can manipulate your liver & gallbladder to help move those stones along and clear out backed up bile. It can be as simple as just pressing around in the liver/gallbladder area, finding the spots that feel full, firmer, congested, or tender, and holding those spots with as much pressure as you can comfortably tolerate for a minute or two, or until you start hearing the organs "responding." Pretty neat....!