I intend to move, sell the house, then downsize. My husband is on board with this. So far, this what I've done to manifest this:
*Told the universe what it is I intend to have happen
*Said out loud that I intend to pass along our house lovingly to a new family.
*Thrown out, sent to our daughter, or donated belongings we no longer need.
*Avoided buying new furniture---I intend to wait until we downsize.
*Started working on the house to make it in tip-top shape in order to sell it.
*I don't know if this sounds silly but...I've stopped ordering address labels. My thinking on this is if I were to order more labels, it would signal that we wanted to stay here longer (which we don't intend to do). When we rented, I never ordered address labels because we didn't intend to be lifelong renters.
*Have a change of address packet from the post office waiting to be filled out (a friend gave it to me---she said I will be needing it).
Read Neville Goddard and follow his methods to a T.
The key is to imagine it from the end. Put yourself in the new situation. Feel it from the end as if it has happened and you are living it. Make it real. Do this before you get out of bed and just before you sleep.
This is the most powerful and important part of manifesting.
Then clean up you subconscious mind with things like TAT and self hypnosis.
This morning, I was searching through some pictures on google to create a new desktop screensaver for my pc. I eventually settled on a photo of an incredibly beautiful blue butterfly.
I was so filled with blissful feelings and spent some time looking at all the details. I even imagined seeing a real one right in front of me and how lovely that would be!
I suddenly thought about the Abraham-Hicks process 17/68 seconds - which states that if we focus on something in pure thought (with no resistance) for as little as 17 seconds that we would draw it to us really easily. I wondered how this could possibly play out for me since it is not butterfly season and I have never seen a blue one like my photo in the UK.
A couple of hours later, I went to the opticians with my son because he wanted some disposable contact lenses for sports.
And ... on each and every desk in that opticians - a box of tissues - each one covered with a beautiful blue butterfly design. MY blue butterfly! :-)
1. FOCUS on what you want and why you want it.
2. Imagine how good it would be to have what you want - get really into the FEELING place of this.
3. Allow the Universe to deliver the cooperative components to make it happen.
Two great responses --- thank you both! I just printed up Neville Goddard's lecture "The Law" so that I can read it whenever I want.
Great video, Maya! I will watch it more than once!
I do visualize myself as having already moved to my new location. I know what city I intend to move to. What I haven't visualized is the exact neighborhood because there are a few neighborhoods that feel right to me. I feel that I will end up in one of them. Also, I have pictured myself in my new home going about day to day life. Again, the details of the new home aren't exact. The only things that are exact is that it will be on a high floor with a nice view and a balcony where I've imagined eating my dinner on a nice day. Is all that good enough or should I imagine it in more detail?
"Also, I have pictured myself in my new home going about day to day life. Again, the details of the new home aren't exact. The only things that are exact is that it will be on a high floor with a nice view and a balcony where I've imagined eating my dinner on a nice day."
This is good.
Have conversations with people in your visualization about the place as you are in it. Get emotionally charged within the visualization. Use all senses and be in the moment as if it is occurring.
Then get out of the way and allow "the universe" to do the rest.
Again the optimum times are just upon wakening and just before sleep.
Also take action towards your goals.
Thought...word....action. is the trinity of creation.
As far as Neville goes, I have all his material and much of the LOA stuff out there. The best book from Neville, If I had to choose one, is "The Law and The Promise." which I think is available for download now at some sites.
Let Us know how things are going for you and if you want lots off support from myself, Maya, Skylar, Doven and a growing crew of people who are well versed in these principles, check out Skylar's forum here at curezone called ViveNhance. It is a very interesting new forum that seems to be growing everyday. You will be in good hands there.
Once again, thank you for all the helpful info. I didn't know what the VibeNHance forum was all about. Now that I know, I will certainly look at it on a regular basis.
Maya --- I just did some googling and listened/watched another Abraham-Hicks video about the vortex. However, it wasn't very detailed. For example, no detailed explanation on how to fully get into the vortex. Do you know of another video that discusses it in more detail? I'm intrigued and do want to know more! Thank you!
Abraham has used many different terms to explain that the way to become an allower of all good things to come to you/to flow your energy at its highest potential is to do what it takes to raise your vibration.
They explain that there are emotions that describe this high vibrational state - emotions would include appreciation, joy, unconditional love (for self and others), bliss, ecstacy etc.
So ... getting in the Vortex can be said in many different ways:
Seeing through the eyes of Source .. Follow your Bliss ... Follow your highest excitement ... Loving what is ... Being happy NOW etc ..
How to do it? Well, there are many processes and there is no right or wrong way. You basically want to find ANY method that works for you that creates a VISCERAL FEELING of BLISS. And do this regularly so this vibration becomes consistent in your energy field.
We attract by how we are vibrating, not by what we are doing.
EMOTIONS are the attractor.
That is why people keep getting what they are getting because they get stuck in their emotional patterns. Thoughts/Beliefs CREATE emotions.
If you want to get in the Vortex, it means you have to CONSCIOUSLY and DELIBERATELY create a change in your emotional state to the point of where you are vibrating like Source energy - you then open up to every solution, every cooperative component in the Universe is at your service. You will be delivered everything needed to make whatever it is you want to happen.
Remember, the Universe delivers in mysterious ways. Your job is not to focus on how or when things will be delivered. Your job is only to feel good NOW.
And we live in a time-space reality. There is a buffer of time that creates a slight delay in delivery. This is very useful to understand ... because most people think "Oh, I was happy and then I didn't get what I want boo hoo!! .." Well, what has happened is that your energy changed from joy back down to frustration and pessimism ... and all the right components were just about to be delivered but you halt it because you changed your vibration.
The KEY is to be happy. Just be happy for happiness sake. Let go of your desires, have faith that what is in your highest good will come to you.
And when I say happy, I mean be peaceful with the world. Be loving to yourself and others. Feel a sense of balance and calm when you know all your needs are being met. (Not the type of drunken happiness some might imagine) - do things that are fun, laugh a lot ... be watchful of your focus and thinking.
Don't let me make this sound complicated :-) It is not. In fact, it's so easy that most people don't bother!
For example, this last week has been amazing for me. Incredible in fact! I only had to put it out there that I wanted to create a conscious community based organisation in my local area - one that would uplift, inspire and empower others - and within a few days, I have been given the most amazing opportunities in order to do so. I didn't need to do anything but focus on what I wanted and then allow the solutions to be delivered. But I am in the Vortex most of the time ... I really feel good! My career is to live happily ever after :-)
.... But I am very deliberate 90% of the time (still working on the other 10% lol!). There are things that I do not spend any energy on - I don't read the news, I don't have TV, I don't go to the Debate Forums , I don't spend any of my time in places where I focus on unwanted things. I don't get involved in petty stuff or feel the need to justify myself.
If I feel anything but appreciative, joyful etc. I look at it straight in the eyes. I immediately stop and ask myself what it is that I am thinking/believing that is creating the negative emotion. And I then look at challenging those beliefs so I can find a kinder, more loving and appreciative perspective.
I don't make decisions from out of the vortex.
Because I know that EMOTIONS MATTER (Matter = materialise) This is vibrational LAW.
Everything is perspective. You can look at the rain and feel miserable or look at the rain and be appreciative. We have choice always.
I do recommend you buy one of the Abraham books - they are all good, so just take a look on Amazon or the Abraham Hicks site and see which one you resonate with. In your position, I would probably go with "Ask and it is Given" - there are lots of processes in that book to help you change your vibration.
If you don't already meditate daily, do so - just 15-20 minutes. This will help you relax and also you will be more in touch with your emotions for the rest of the day. This is important, because most people aren't even aware of their emotions as they fluctuate ... so this is a fine tuning process.
Gosh .. I've gone on a bit longer than anticipated, but I hope you get the gist of my message.
I created a YouTube video of an Abraham process - I'm not kidding you - if you do this consistently for 30 days, you will most definitely be in the Vortex!! In fact, within a week you will be in and out regularly ... but a consistent experience is what will get you in the Vortex and keep you there. Check it out here and let me know if you have any questions.
Maya XX
Here is the transcript of the above video:
How to See Through the Eyes of Source?
"When you get tuned in, tapped in, turned on; if you would go to bed tonight and set forth the intention to slumber into your alignment with Source which you always do, and then set forth the intention that when you awaken in the morning that you will just slide back into this physical body in an attitude of appreciation and in fact before you sleep go through a list of things that are very easy for you to appreciate so you set the tone of the environment into which you will re-emerge in the morning ..
and then when you awaken in the morning, lie in your bed and move through your mind this list of things you are appreciating ..
and then go right from there to brushing your teeth and doing whatever you need to do immediately and then go right to your chair of meditation and bring yourself again into vibrational alignment with well being – only this time you are not doing it because you are asleep – you are wide awake and you are tuning yourself to the vibration of who you are.
And get up from your meditation chair and go right to the kitchen and find something that is delicious and refreshing to eat and as you are eating it sit with an attitude of appreciation and once you’ve finished eating your delicious meal, whatever it might be ...
then sit with your paper and pen and make a list of things you appreciate. Just write the things that flow forth from you easily. Don’t make it a list of things you should appreciate; the things you do appreciate and this process will put you in the vibrational attitude of alignment with Source. And if you will do that tomorrow and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day and the next day and the next day, and the next day, before you know it, in 30 days you will have set the tone of seeing the world through the Eyes of Source in a way that you have never done before and then you will not be asking us what it’s like to be Pure Positive Energy because you’ll know it viscerally. You’ll feel it in every fibre of your being and those who watch you will know it to.
They’ll say “What has come over you? You are like a breath of fresh air just being near you makes me feel good. Just looking at you makes me feel good. Just thinking about you makes me feel good. You seem to be tuned in, tapped in, turned on, to some new zest for life. You seem to be more vital and alive. You seem to be more intelligent. You seem to have better timing than you’ve ever had before. You seem to be happier. The things that you want seem to be flowing into your experience. What is the magic that you have discovered?”
And you say “I tuned myself to who I really am and now I view life through those eyes.""
That was awesome! I am new to the Secret and the Law of Attraction but I am seeing some success. I need to watch your video over and over till I really get it!!
this is good, i have imagined this funel like shape 20 years old, just open you arms. and now all this and others are coming to me, all is coming toward me, i am attracting you to me. i want to be first. it is beautiful - guese what it is.