Well guess what? Your penis inside of her is definitely not enough to please her, or the majority of women for that matter. It is a huge fact many men ignore that a woman's center of pleasure is her clitoris. No matter how big, round or juicy a penis might be, it is just not enough if her little volcano isn't stimulated first. Smart men know that when this is treated with gusto, then a woman will receive his jewel with gratitude. Ignore this and everybody is left off frustrated - simple as that.
What's really sad though, is that she has to do it to herself - Ouch!!!! What an awful feeling - who needs to masturbate when it's supposed to be a mutual interaction?
It seems hard to believe that this hasn't occured to you before, that YOU need to be doing the stimulatin'. Perhaps this isn't very appealing to you? If that's the case, then no, she's never going to feel satisfied as long as she feels that you find her center of pleasure and thrills disgusting. But if on the other hand you truly didn't know this, then all you neeed to know now is that you poseess within you all you need to rock her world. Fingertips and tongues are wonderful tools for the creative craftsman. Use them wisely and joyously and you'll have a tiger in your mattress.
It's elementary dear Watson.
".....showing that you're the man, you're in charge, you have control ............... It works too, no manipulation of the clit required."
Well, isn't that special. Sure, why bother having to go through the distasteful act of manipulating a clit, when you can avoid the whole thing by doing something that will feel great to you. Great advice.
It may be of interest to note that of the book cited on Amazon, of 21 reviews 14 were 1 stars, and only 3 were 5 stars, all written by men. See for yourselves:
It is not about how to satisfy a man, or how to satisfy a woman. The answer in true satisfaction lies in both parties learning what stimulates both in their own particular uniqueness, taking into consideration emotional, spiritual and phyisiological aspects. It's a 100%/100% endeavor. Trying to circumvent ways to avoid needing to hit upon a woman's greatest pleasure center is selfish, retrogarade and neanderthal.
That's absolutely hilarious!!! I see you removed the original link you posted, which was indeed to the man pleasin' book. I just copied and pasted and went to the reviews section, which as a habitual Amazon customer I always do. Too funny.
Yeah, like it's a mystery what makes men tick,.......LOL