Hi Zapp,
I sense that you need more quality protein in your life to start.
Have you considered eating organic cherries when in season? If you did decide to eat more cherries than normal, you might consider backing off on other fruits and sweeteners (very important). Note: Although they are very healthy I'm not talking about the Rainier cherries.
Hi Zap,
Have you tried making kefir or kombucha?
A little DE in your water will help with the cracking joints.
I had the runny nose/clogged sinus's at night bad also and it was allergies to everything caused by candida and wrecked immune system. Before I new about all these herbs I was at the end of my rope and went to an allergist and got allergy shots. I know they're bad, but it was the lesser of two evils. It worked right away by stopping my immune system from attacking everything and gave my body a rest so I could continue the candida diet/protocol I was on.
Maybe Hv will tell you some herbs to strengthen your immune sx so it will stop attacking you (causing allergies and swelling). But, what confused me was the allergist doctor said my immune sx was too strong. I'd like Hv's take on that. Is your immune sx strong or weak when it attacks you?
As long as the nasal drip doesn't have a metallic taste you're OK.