Diaphragm or cervical cap or the sponge all can be inserted hours before sex. Sponge is disposable, diaphragm and cervical cap are reusable. Sponge has spermicidal in it already, you must use spermicidal with cervical cap and diaphragm for more complete birth control.
Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure that prevents the ovas from entering the fallopian tubes. It doesn't affect your ability to ovulate so you will continue to produce feminine hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and have a monthly menstrual cycle. It is generally considered a permanent form of birth control that results in sterility. There have been cases of reversing tubal ligation for natural pregnancy. But nowadays of fertility treatments involving egg extraction and implantation, reversing the tubal ligation if you change your mind may be moot. Cost wise, I dunno if the tubal ligation reversal surgery would be cheaper than undergoing IVF or not.
The barrier contraception methods are easy and cheap. I used the diaphragm successfully thru college and early marriage. It's easy to keep clean with soap and water. It will come with it's own storage case.