Keep Flushin
How are you replenishing yourself after flushing?
I drink a pot of vegetable soup and rehydrate with juicy fruits and liquids day after flushing.
The second day after flushing I notice my appetite is vorocious still. So strong I could eat about anything, anyway, anyhow.
Example: For dinner I cooked sauteed liver. Something I normally would never have the guts to cook. No pun intended. :-P I have not had red meat since I was 15 years old.
My energy level shot sky high from eating it almost immediately. And I was sick with bad chest cold. Besides drinking spiralina in the past, liver is the only food that has had such an immediate effect on me like that.
I am going to include it as part of my flushing procedure of replenishment each time now.
Shellycat says Liver is most nutrient dense organ and has vitamin B-12 which surely I am lacking. I read somewhere a while back that B-12 relates to energy or so I remember. Or, maybe you need some spiralina after flushing. That also has lots of B-12.
Anyway, it's a shot in the dark considering how different we all are but I thought I should mention it just in case it relates to you.
Take care,
KF :-)