that I answered that q as I did is because in the history of this forum, many have reported anxiety/stress issues upon commencing
Iodine supplementation. I include myself there:)
Why? Because iodine, in sufficient doses will displace fluoride & bromide from the body, both sedatives...
The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:
"I have your letter of September 29 asking for further documentation regarding a statement made in my book, The Truth About Water Fluoridation, to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation was brought to England from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff.
"In the 1930's, Hitler and the German Nazi's envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. ...
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. [A convenient invisible lobotomy]
Physiological Action of the Bromides. They are pre-eminently depressants of the cerebral and spinal functions, also alterative, antispasmodic and hypnotic. The Potassium salt is especially a cardiac and muscular paralyzant. They have a saline taste, and are very diffusible, but slowly eliminated. They are decomposed in the blood, and re-formed at the points of elimination (fauces, bronchi, intestines, skin and kidneys), where they irritate the mucous membranes. Continued for some time, they produce severe gastric catarrh. They reduce the number of the respirations, and the heart's action and force; and though diminishing the calibre of the arterioles, they lower arterial tension. They lessen the activity of the brain cells, producing somnolence; diminish the sensibility of the peripheral nerves, causing anaesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes. They impair motility and the sexual function, cause great pallor and emaciation, lowered body-temperature,
Acne on the face and upper extremities, fetid breath, dysphagia, sluggish reflexes and defective coordination; and if long continued may even impair the mental faculties, producing hallucinations in some cases, in others melancholia with suicidal tendency; also incompetence of the sphincters and paralysis, beginning at the periphery and extending to the centres. The general result of their action is termed "Bromism," and is heralded by the
Acne and lowered faucial sensibility. It is probably due to the sedative influence of these agents on the sympathetic system, causing general anaemia of the brain, spinal cord, sexual organs, and skin.
Now, if the source of stress is the feeling that one has been poisoned with undesirable halogens, then, by all means, take iodine:) But if one wants a palliative then(tongue in cheek), a better choice might be to either brush one's teeth with just about any commercially available fluoride toothpaste or drink a lemon-lime gatorade. pick your poison.