1. Vitamin C is gets inside the cells? Vitamin C does get inside cells but is so weak a chelator, as to be almost completely worthless when used as such. Make sure you use non-acidic vitamin C.
2. Alpha Lipoic Acid gets inside the cells? Check out the last guy's link to the cutler protocol. Cutler protocol will solve your mercury problem
3. Cilantro gets inside the cells? I think cilantro mobilizes mercury but not well or reliably. It may mobilize mercury that then gets stored in your brain, much better to do the Cutler protocol.
4. EDTA? Only EDTA worth doing is the IV EDTA chelation for lead and removing calcium from plaque in your arteries(better circulation). Ive heard EDTA chelation also removes some aluminum but I may be wrong. Oral EDTA is absorbed like 4% and is not effective, even at high dosages.
5. Ozone/Oxygen Therapy? Probably best to do after several months AFTER chelation. Oxygen+heavy metals=lots of free radicals=more physical symptoms.
6. Chlorella is for outside the cells? IDK
7. DMSA or DMPS is for outside? DMSA is mostly for body (doesnt cross brain barrier) mercury, whereas Cutler protocol (alpha lipoic acid) is for body and brain mercury.
8. Iodine/Iodide?
Lugol's Iodine is great stuff (I'm on it). It is supposed to push floride, bromide, and some mercury out of your body.
I recemmend doing Cutler's protocol but adding 500mg of non acidic vitamin C with everytime you take alpha lipoic acid. You will repeat the protocol every week or every other week until your mercury drops sufficiently. Take 4 drops of
Lugol's Iodine a day but take breaks occasionally.