20 flushes in a years time is an awful lot of flushes... that is almost and average of every two weeks... which is far to often... i tried flushing every two weeks in the beginning and it worked well for the first 4 flushes... but 5 & 6 i noticed were not as productive and plus it seemed to take longer to recover my stamina... i started searching to see if anyone else had any advice...it was then that i read the "faq" in the "ask shelly" forum and she says that when doing flushes at two week intervals one should not do more than 4 flushes without taking a break so the liver has time to recooperate... i took her suggestion and backed off to flushing monthly... seems to be working well... flush 7 & 8 have been very productive...
so... i would think it might be possible that one can overdo... especially if using
Epsom Salts ... since it depletes us of necessary nutrients that have to be re-established... but then again i've heard of people with gall stones that have flushed with the frequency that you've mentioned... or it could be that you have a stone stuck...
i would suggest that you "ask shelly"... or "ask andreas" they are both very knowledgeable and will probably have answers for you...
hope all works out well for you...