"...it seemed like he entered my subconscious for a few months..."
This is what usually happens to me. I think I sense a 'spiritual connection' with a person, I feel like they become 'part of me', in a way...I believe we are so connected we can even hear each others thoughts, but often, or even usually, when I try to validate the reality of this 'connection' which I sense, & which seems very very real to me, by reaching out to this person on 'temporal' levels, I get rejected, theres no open & willing acknowledgement, from them, of the 'connection' I am so very sure exists! I sumtimes call it a 'transference of karma'. It seems so real to me, & usually comes with many 'spiritual proofs', which seem to validate the reality of it. Such as the 'knowledge' I seem to gain about the person, private things others would not know, which is often validated as actual truth, & major alterations in my karma & knowledge, as a result of sharing the other persons karma and knowledge, etc...which is also very often much validated, with many proofs. So I just cant believe its all a figment of my imagination! Medicaid doesnt pay for much in the way of psychiatric care, tho I am clinically certified with PTSD & a couple of forms of social anxiety, & depression. 1 good thing about lack of formal psychiatric care, is Im free to draw my own conclusions about the hows & whys of things, but Im also sumtimes left floundering when help might b more appropriate, but I often dont agree with the 'answers' psychiatry provides, anyway, so perhaps its best that the Universe has left me to sort it out on my own? Mayb I will find
better answers that way? So much of this phenomenon seems real to me, I have to wonder if maybe the other person just isnt being honest, when they refuse to acknowledge the connection I am so sure I feel? Ive heard the term 'psychic vampires', so mayb they r of this ilk? People who want to use the energy & support they receive from the connection, without acknowledging any duty or commitment to the human being they r using, for spiritual/emotional support? Or mayb sum people just arent fully aware of the energy that is going out from them, & touching others? Makes me think of a story from the Bible, where a woman touches the hem of Jesus's robe as he's walking down the street. He doesnt see her do this, but he 'feels' his energy go out to her, so he says sumthing like, 'Who has taken the grace from my garment?' In other words, 'Who stole a piece of my energy, without asking?!' Probly not all r as aware as Jesus, to know when sumone has tapped into their energy? And if that other persons energy is filling a void in your life, improving your karma, u really dont want to let go of it. Its happened to me so many times now, I dont even try to validate it much anymore, in the temporal realm...I dont do well with rejections, takes me years to get over 1 rejection, so I try to avoid them whenever possible, & figure if the person truly cares for me, they will approach me, so I dont bother approaching them, in most cases. I just try to accept the "blessings" that come from it, without too many expectations, but as the Buddhists say, 'desire brings torment', so when u allow yourself this 'love connection' with sumone who is physically out of your reach, there is torment along with the blessings... Anyway thats my best analysis of this experience, so far. To make it more acceptable to my own psyche, I try to think of myself as being sumthing like a 'second wife' or 'concubine' to the person. i.e. - tho not always 2gether in a fully committed relationship, there is still a devotion to the relationship which is real & valid for me, & perhaps, at least sumtimes, is also real to them, tho not fully acknowledged in a publicly acceptable way. Fantasy & creative visualization r my best friends sumtimes, tho others might just call it 'delusion'! Even the 'vampire' scenario can have its moments. If u r gaining sumthing beneficial from the 'psychic vampire', u might let it go on, even tho there r sum detrimental aspects too. R they aware of the spiritual relationship/connection? Its anybodys guess if they have any motive not to own up to it! Or is that all just what I tell myself, simply to avoid the suffering of rejection?? Sumtimes I think u just gotta accept happiness where u find it, even if the source is sumwhat less than 'real'. I believe all truly unhappy people understand this, after awhile. Happiness is subjective, so its source doesnt really matter, or whether others view the source as 'real' or not. The happiness u feel, is real to u, thats all that matters, when happiness & not to feel alone, is what u need most in life....