For starters the home boards are called colenema boards. Colema is a trademark name of one particular company's boards.
The home units work on a gravity basis. You elevate you solution container, Dr
Bernard Jensen recommended 72
inches from the floor to get 2lbs of gravity pressure. The tubing comes down from the container and the tip is inserted into the end of the tubing. Then the tubing and the tip are inserted into a hole in the top of the dome. The will only go so far and then are held securely by the board. The tip is now in the center of the dome. You would climb on to the board and gently insert the tip. If you are using a unit like mine you can just flick a clamp and the solution flows. If you are using a colema brand board you will have to siphon the flow of solution with a syringe before inserting the tip. (The difference is a plumbed container)
Once you begin the process there is no need to take the tip out until you are done. The board holds it in place so it does not go in to far nor pop out when you evacuate. Someone above said you have to evacuate using the same pressure as when normally using the bathroom. I would say this is not so. When you evacuate there is generally quite a bit of water coming with it and this tends to make very little pushing needed. You will let the water flow while massaging your tummy. When you feel like it you let the contents expel and it all drops into the toilet. You do not want to strain to hold more water. Just hold what is comfortable to you. If you feel done at the end of five gallons you can quite I prefer to do more and used to have my partner come fill the pail again. Now I have a product called the EZ fill and it attaches to the faucet goes through a filter and up in to the container. So all I have to do to do more then five gallons is turn the faucet on.
If feel I get better results with my home unit. I don't ever have to wait for an appointment, I do it whenever it is convenient for me. I am completely relaxed, whereas I was a little nervous when have a
colonic at the clinic.
I also have what is called a mini pail, it "T"s into the tubing from the big pail. I do implants with this. Aloe, wheat grass, or acidophilus. When I am done with the cleanse I take in the contents of the mini pail and hold them as long as possible. Now day I go to bed and it is absorbed by morning. I can also alternate between warm and cold water to strengthen the peristaltic action of the colon with my mini pail.