I would not do it, because, I did and it was a bad idea. I did a
Colon Cleanse and was working with a trainer at a gym cause of a car accident. I lost a lot of muscle.
I stopped both due to this.
I read later, cleanse or exercise but do not do both at the same time. It is too much for the body to handle. Cleansing takes a lot of energy and you are only getting 800 calories. It is probably enough to mantain for a limited anout of time while on the cleanse.
The Master Cleanse is designed to work without suppliments and massive exersise. The therory being the body will heal itself without the added task of digestion. So be patient and let your body do its thing. I have not done this cleanse, so I am not an expert on this cleanse. I just know from personal experience that I jumped over the deep edge myself in trying to do too much as well and paid a heavy price in the process.
I now have multiple chemical sensitivities and maybe the toxins released from the colon clease and the heavy exercize was too much for my body to bear. Now I am trapped in my house, cause I am allergic to so many chemicals, I can not go into stores or be around folks that wear any sort of scented personal care products. I wish folks would just wear unscented personal care products and then the thousands of us MCS folks might be able to be around people again. But that will never happen. People do not know or maybe they don't care.
Also, your body has a limited amount of energy. It can heal from injury, digest food, cleanse from toxins, build muscle from exercise, etc, but if you ask it to do all at the same time it splits its energy. I know this too from experience. I had a bad car accident and then came down with MCS. I believe, I was aready toxic but still functioning. After the injuries the body choose healing over detox and I am allergic to everything now.
I choose the wrong time to cleanse, after a car accident. I hope just 1 person learns from my error. As it is, I feel like an idiot. I may have to pay for this mistake the rest of my life.