Talk to any coroner and ask them if they have ever seen this in a body and I doubt if you will find one that has. Same goes for colonoscopies, in which I have NEVER seen anything even close to mucoid plaque. Even when cameras are swallowed to view the entire length of the intestine.
I did talk to one naturopathic doctor and he said the only time you are going to see something tarry like that coming out of the colon is if people are overdosing on iron salts. Which I would have to agree with this since this is very similar to what an upper intestinal bleed would look like.
what about intestinal putrefaction i.e undigested food built up, i feel this is a problem in me due to my low stomach acid?
Undigested food will still pass through, but being undgested primarily means you will not obtain much of the nutrition from the food. Undigested proteins can also play a role in triggering off allergies. But it will not build up in the intestines.
and when i take psyullium shakes it helps clean me out and some of the bowel movements are grey and look really old.
That sounds more like an issue of maybe not producing enough bile, which makes the stools lighter. The gray color can indicate a few things, including liver issues or not absorbing dietary fasts properly.
yeah my livers screwed it bound to not be digesting fats properly.
the thing is i have alot of abodominal fat but its not fat i mean im skinny but if i push my belly out i cud look like a skinny pregnant guy lol and the only type that dissapeared was on the dr natura colon/parasite cleanse.
If it is actual fat then the bitters should help. If it is from bloating then increasing your fiber can help as well. But psyllium is not a good source. It causes a lot of people to bloat. Again I recommend either rice or oat bran.
If there is no such thing as mucoid plaque... you need to explain to me another reason than overdosing on iron salts since I personally expelled mucoid plaque while doing a cleanse that does NOT contain bentonite. Additionally.... if mucoid plaque was only psyllium... why did it take me months of using large amounts of psyllium while doing that cleanse in order to begin passing it?
Being that I don't know what you really passed I cannot say. But if you really believe it is mucoid plaque then why is it that this is never seen in autopsies nor with colonoscopies? Even with the colonoscopies where the camera is swallowed so the entire length of the intestine is visualized?
Furthermore... I am probably one of a very few if any other persons on this website that, not only has performed colonics, but performed them using the Woods Gravity method. The Woods Gravity Method of colonics does a FAR more effective job of clearing out the waste in the large intestines, which the newer colonic machines don't even come CLOSE to doing! You need to also account for the fact that I have seen people pass pieces of mucoid plaque (as well as multi-colored confetti waste when on a raw foods diet.... that's supposed to contain all the enzymes necessary for digestion) during a colonic.
What are you calling "mucoid plaque"? What is generally referred to as mucoid plaque is the black rubbery stuff that is never seen in autopsies or during colonoscopies.
Finally.... since we're on this topic... you need to explain to me how it is that if mega-colon is such a rare condition and generally found in those who are developmentally disabled...
I never said anything about "mega-colon" nor the "developmentally disabled" so I don't know why you are bringing up either. What I said is that the rubbery black stuff people call mucoid plaque is a myth.
how it is that I was able to perform colonics on a grown man who had not moved his bowels in over seven weeks....
The fact that you would even consider doing a colonic on someone who supposedly has has not had a bowel movement in seven weeks worries me IMMENSELY!!!!! If someone has not had a bowel movement in 7 weeks, which I find hard to believe that they would still be alive, that person would be extremely malnourished and dehydrated since the intestines would be backed up to the stomach in a matter of weeks. I had a man like this who had not had a bowel movement in several weeks . Everything was backed up so bad that every time he ate he would vomit since the food had nowhere to go. He kept insisting that I recommend a laxative for him. I kept telling him that I would not recommend anything other than getting to the hospital immediately!!! Why? Because there was a very high probability of either a strangulated intestine, a tumor blocking the intestines, or some other blockage such as a severely inflamed intestinal condition such as advanced Crohn's disease. It would have been completely irresponsible of me to recommend a laxative or a colonic to someone in this kind of condition without knowing if there is any of the factors I mentioned above. As another example I had a man that knew me call me to see if I knew any good attorneys. His wife had not had a bowel movement in several weeks as well. So they went to the emergency room and the doctor just gave he mineral oil for a laxative and sent her home without any tests. She died because of the doctor's stupidity. If someone is that bad off you should not be doing colonics, you should be encouraging them to get to the hospital immediately! How do you know that there is not a dangerous obstruction?
resulting in his stomach going from being so distended that he looked about seven months pregnant and had a stomach as hard as a rock.... was ashen in coloring and then went to having pink cheeks... had open sores reminiscent of psoriasis all over his skin... and even the sores cleared up and began to heal. His stomach also flattened out and he dropped several pant sizes...
Yes, there would be a back up of toxins if he had not had a bowel movement in a while. And regardless of the outcome I still think it was irresponsible of you to not tell him to get to the hospital. Did you have any method to rule out blockages? How do you know that he does not have a partial blockage leading to this problem such as a growing tumor? The fact that the problem is returning tells us that you have not addressed the base cause, which again can be a partial blockage from a tumor or severe intestinal inflammation. You need to tell him to get to a doctor NOW for some tests!!!
and the last time that I heard from him, after NOT following my advice and continuing on the program that I was working on with him... he was again not moving his bowels and had not done so for 6 weeks!