Good luck and let me know if you have any questions along the way. I read your blog page and wanted to correct a couple of possible misconceptions.
The McCombs Plan helps to revert fungal candida back into its normal yeast form(via Candida Force), boost the immune system(via Detox Essentials), detoxify the body, and restore normal tissue flora. Through this process, many people have had some amazing results. There are more and more research studies that back-up why this simple process can have these type of results.
Doing a candida cleanse, parasite cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, etc., doesn't mean that you'll never need to do another one. These type of cleanses are needed as part of living on the planet today. Doing the McCombs Plan doesn't necessarily mean that you've eliminated it permanently. You can recreate fungal candida if you do antibiotics again, have a suppressed immune system for a period of time, or do chemotherapy. Steroids can also contribute to fungal candida. If any of these occur, I would recommend doing the Plan again.
More later, gotta run and be a dad.