Hi Petra....I have thought about this question quite a bit lately, too, since I started cleansing.
This has been my experience...In November when I did an
Master-Cleanse with B&P ending with a Liver Flush...I just felt soooo good and cleaned out (you shoulda seen the 'ropes' I got out) that at Christmas I absolutely gorged myself on CANDY! ick. I have never even BEEN a candy lover! or a dessert person. I just stay away from sugary things (except 'good' ice cream and I like to have a chocolate bar at the movies...) I have always found that jujubes or licorice or toffee...all those really sugary things...they just make me tired instantly. My energy gets totally drained and I feel I've just stayed away from them. But at Christmas I didn't...I stood by the tree and ate candy after candy...then sat by the fire and read a book! (surely a recipe for sleepiness) energy was still fantastic and I didn't feel in the least bit sick or yucky. SO! I, that's great...I cleaned myself out, so I can handle some of this stuff now! (because I'm not a candy person I haven't really tested it again...)
Now, it seems to be a bit different with white floury stuff. When I came off the fast...and ate some bread, my body felt heavy and yucky and I just knew that it wasn't good for me. So now I've switched to spelt bread.
I know...this post is kind of long-winded...but I've wondered the same thing as you. People HAVE cleared up
food allergies by doing the cleanses. I am hoping that by cleaning myself out, my constituion will be super-strong and able to ward of anything that might be thrown at me...including accumulated toxins that suddenly push you over the edge into allergies. (which I have felt the past couple of years) So far so good! (if the roof of my mouth doesn't get itchy again I'll be soooo happy!)