I have a white tongue as well. It's not really furry and there are not patches or a thick white layer and it appears on the upper surface of the tongue it's just colored white. Oh yeah and the tip is normal. It also tingles a little on diffenrt places. It happened 4 months ago when I came back from a trip from China. I fell pretty sick in China0
I've been very scared since I thought I had HIV ....but my blood tests are all negative. Then they thought it was anemia or diabetes .. so they conducted some more tests ... to no avail though, since I'm negative for those as well. ... so they scared me quite a bit already
Finally they took a sample of my tongue [ very painful experience] and after 2 weeks lab .. they came back to tell me that it's not viral or bacterial .. iaw they have no clue.The samples are going to Boston now...we'll see..
Anyway, can someone tell me something more about what is causing this? Is it a certain food /water?
I read a lot about the cleansing. I noticed from photo'sthat I've always had a slightly whither tongue than normal but never like this.
Could it be a liver problem? I fell a couple of times sick last summer after eating an apple ...
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Is there anybody who experienced this? Should I try a clensing??