Hi all,
I've just been reading through old posts and saw that RG says dark circles under eyes is a sign of parasites:(..ugh..I have had purple looking lines under my eyes for years...
is this why my die-off symtpoms are so bad???
'cause I must have picked up parasites years ago..perhaps since childhood???
I remember when I was 12, that I had threadworm, but they seemed to disappear...perhaps they didn't. Since taking humaworm I have seen liverflukes, and long stingy looking worms as well as corn looking things and other stuff I don't know how to describe. Perhaps this is why I've had period pain since being a teenage (the liver flukes)? Why I had bronchitis when I was 12...
It was only really last year that I became real sick: since we got a dog. Parasite overload, I think:(.
My mum has told me that I had fluid coming out of my ears when I was a baby (prob. picked up from one of my dad's patients-my dad was a naturopath)- would that be a parasite infection?? or, am I being paranoid and seeing parasites behind every corner- so to speak?
Has anyone whose been taking humaworm for awhile had their dark circles under their eyes disappear????
Kind regards,